Girl Beta

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Malena's Bite

Chapter 16

Gym is so boring! I mean all we are doing is climbing a rock wall. Wow that's so fun! Note the sarcasm.

I sigh heavily and look at coach who is right next to me. He glances as me as I give him a look. "What would you rather do suicide runs?" Coach asks me and I roll my eyes.

"Yes I would." I answer and he looks a little taken back on my answer but quickly covers it. "Okay fine. Let's have ugh," coach looks in the crowd. "Uhh Zane! Zane you will take Malena outside to do ten suicide runs." Oh shit! Really coach Zane if all people. "Yes Coach." Zane says and smirks at me.

We walks outside and I start running laps as soon as I get the field. I glance at Zane every once in a while. He just stands there with his arms crossed watching me run.

Witch only takes ten minutes and I'm not even breaking a sweat. When I'm done I ignore Zane and go back into the school. When I get out of my gym clothes I head to lunch.

I get my lunch and sit at random table. I pull out my sketch pad and start on my art project. When I hear other people sit around me I look up to see Scott and Stiles.

"Great." I mummer. "Awe you hear that Scott she's happy to see us!" Stiles says and I roll my eyes. Suddenly the lunch room becomes silent and the smell of werewolf enters my nose.

I look up to see Erica walking in looking kinda slutty. But can you blame her. Nobody never noticed her in till now.

She walks over to some random table and grabs a dudes Apple. Then she suducivly takes a bite. I put my things in my bag and watch her at the same time.

Then she turns to my direction and walks over to me. "Derek's waiting for us come on." She says and nudges her head towards the door. I nod and follow her out of the lunch room.

When I get there I see Derek's car parked on the curve. I see Derek look at me through his sun glasses and smiles at me. I grin at him and walk over to his car.

Erica opens the door and gets in the back. Right before I get in I see Scott and Stiles glaring at us. I wink at them and smile getting the car. Soon Derek speeds out the parking lot.


After I got to know Erica better Derek dropped me off at home. He said he would be back after he dropped off Erica.

Right know I'm in my room writing a poem for English. When I done I read it out loud.

The Moon Lit Night

Her fur brussels in the wind.

As her four paws pounce on the
damp Earth.

She wishes through bushes and
doges trees.

As she carries herself through
the moon lot night.

Her light grey coat catches dirt
and pollen,

As she runs through the moon
lit night.

Her dark purple eyes shine in the
moon light.

While her black nose sniffs the
cold, hard air.

Hoping to catch the scent of

As she continues to through
the moon lit night.

Her black nose catches many scents of animals.

But not his.

She starts to pant as she runs
through the moon lit night.

She stops running at the edge
of a cliff.

She raises her grey and white head
to the starry night sky.

As a full white circle stares
back at her.

She lifts her black nose up as if
she was going to touch it.

While her white tipped ears lay
down on her head.

As she lets out a soft
and smooth howl.

She backs away from the
edge and turns around
to run away,

But a loud and amazing howl
piers through the moon lit

His howl.

She once again carried her
self through the moon
lit night.

She finally met her eyes
with the green ones
she knew so well.

Soon her light grey fur
shrunk into creamed
colored skin and
her paws became
hands and feet.

She jumped into his arms
and let his scent enter
her nose.

As they kissed in the moon
lit night.

I finish and suddenly I hear clapping. I look over at my window sill and of course there stands is Derek Hale. I groan at him and hide my red face in my pillow. I hear him chuckle. "I hate you." I say but it's muffled by my pillow. "No you don't you love me." I hear Derek state.

I groan again and he pulls my off the bed over his shoulder like I weigh nothing. "Derek!" I scream and he just laughs. "Let me down!" I say as I pound my fist into his back. "Nope!" He says and I groan.

Suddenly I smack his butt and he tenses up. "Hey!" He shouts letting me down. I look at him and see him blushing a deep red. I just smirk at him as he playfully glares at me.

Happy Halloween!!


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