Meeting the rest of the Pack

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Malena's Bite

Chapter 18

I look back at Brody and see him staring at me while his eyes glow yellow. He's sending me a warning and I nod letting my eyes glow too. Brody was blonde short hair, tanned skin, has a couple of moles, and has bright blue eyes.

We set our bags down and walk into a living room. While walking in I look around this place and sniff the air to find out how many werewolves we are talking about. We walk in and there are six people sitting in there. Two other teenagers that look my age, two men, and two other women. The two woman aren't werewolves but the rest are. Why are their werewolves even here?

"Hey everyone!" My mom shouts and starts to hug everyone. I just stand there lost in though on why there are werewolves here. Everyone turns to me eventually. "Oh and this Malena." My mom tells them and they all nod and smile.

One of the men stands up and walks over to me and his eyes flash a deep red. Even though he's an alpha doesn't mean I need to be scared or show him my fear. So I just flash my purple eyes at him and stand my ground.

The man looks a lot like Brody.

"A Luna I haven't seen your type in a very long time." The man tells me and I send him a smirk. "Well I don't tend to run into Maxwell's pack." I inform him and he gives me a small smile. "I'm guessing since your father is a hunter, that you were bitten." He says and I nod. "I was bitten about three months ago." I say.

"You do have control on full moons don't you?" He asks me and I nod. "If I wasn't I would have stayed with my mate." I say with a smile thinking about Derek. "Do you have an Alpha?" He asks me. "My mate is my Alpha. Do you happen to know the Hale family?" I ask and he nods and a look of sadness crosses his eyes.

"Yes I did before the fire." He informs me. "Well Talia Hale's son, Derek is my mate." I say. "Oh and my name is Donnie." He tells me and I nod. Then my phone started ringing. I took it out and saw it was Derek. "Uh I gotta take this." I say and slip outside.

M: Well I found out that most of my moms family are werewolves. A whole pack!

D: Did they hurt you?!

M: no did you feel any pain.

D: do they know your a Luna?

M: Yup I kinda had to show them.

D: Do I need to come get you?

M: No. I'll be fine.

D: call me if you ever need me to. And stay safe!

M: Derek I can take care of myself .

D: I they hurt you, I swear to god their all dead!

M: Okay, whatever.

D:*sigh* I miss you.

M: I miss you too, but I have to go. I love you!

D: I love you too, bye!


I hang up and sigh. "Well he seems like a charmer." A voice says. I turn around to be met with Brody. I roll my eyes at him and he chuckles. "Sorry about my dad in there. He's very protective of our pack." Brody apologizes. "He's the Alpha of course he is. I'm the same to my pack." I say. "You have a pack?" He asks. "You don't know anything about Lunas do you?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Lunas are the second leader of the pack." I state and he nods.

Then the two other teenagers walk outside. They look similar. They both have dark brown hair, tanned skin, and green eyes. "What's their names?" I mumble to Brody. "Dalton and Dawn. Their twins." Brody states and I nod. "Hey Brody we are gonna go run. Wanna come?" Dalton asks. "Sure." Brody says. "What about you Malena?" Dalton asks me. "Love to." I say with a small smile. "Ugh! Why bring her? She probably the gonna be the slowest." Dawn snaps. A small growl escapes my lips. I cross my arms and smile. "You guys really need to learn about Lunas." I state. "Okay then Luna. Let's race." Dawn sneers. "Your on." I snap back.

We line up in a row in front of the woods. "You ready?" Brody asks and we all nod. "Go!" Dawn shouts and we start running through the forest. I'm in the lead, of course I am. I chuckle and stop when I reach a creek. Brody is second and the two twins tie. Dawn seems angry. She glares at me and let's out a sigh of anger.

"So what else can a Luna do?" Brody asks. "Well I'm not sure if all Lunas can do this but I can show you." I say with a smile. The two boys nod. I look around and find a place where I can take my clothes off. "You all have to turn around, because I swear to god if you turn around your dead." I threaten. They all turn their backs to me and I run over behind a bush. I strip off my clothes and shift into my wolf. I walk out from behind the bush and walk up behind them.

'Okay you can turn around.' I say to them through their heads. They turn around and their eyes widen. "That's so awesome!" Dalton shouts! I chuckle. "Do you really think your better than everyone else?"Dawn snaps. 'I really don't care if I am or not.' I state. She scoffs and runs off through the woods. I roll my eyes and head to the bush. 'Turn around boys!' I say and they sigh but turn around.

When we get back to the house. We all go inside and are meted by an angry Alpha. I gulp. He growls and pushes me up against a wall. He growls at me again but I wasn't going to take his shit so I growled back. He seemed surprised by my actions. "What the hell?!" I ask. "You hurt one if my members of my pack." He states. "No I didn't." I snap. "You attacked Dawn!" He shouts. "Unfortunately, as much as I want to for her being a bitch, I didn't."

I shout at him. He looks over to Brody and Dalton. "Is this true. What she said." He asks the boys and they nodded.

"Now just to warn you." I start and cross my arms. "If I get physically hurt any time while I'm here probably my whole pack will be here. And my Derek won't hesitate to kill any of you." I finish and walk out of the room. Donnie looks stunned by my out burst but it serves him right.

I walk into the living room and the two women and my mom are in there chatting away. I walk in and they smile at me and I smile back. They finish their discussion and turn to me. "I hope I didn't interrupted anything I just didn't catch your names." I say with a smile. "It's alright sweetie. Anyways I'm Molly, Dawn and Dalton's mother, and Eric's wife." The women with the red hair responds. I nod and shake her hand. "And I'm Lucy, Brody's mom and Donnie's wife." The brown headed women says. I shake her hand too. "Would you like me to show you your room?" Lucy asks and I nod and grab my bags.

We walk up stairs to the very top to a huge room. "Wow." I mumble. Lucy chuckles and leaves me by myself. I put my bags on the queen sized bed.

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