Another Day of Death

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Malena's Bite

Chapter 21


~Later on that day~

We decide to go meet up with Scott with Jackson. Their car pulls up and we walk towards them. And we see Argent which makes me growl out of instinct. "Uh who's he?" Dalton asks and I glance over at him. "Argent." I say bluntly. "A hunter?" Brody asks and I nod. "I'm not here for you, Derek." Argent says and I roll my eyes. "Some how that doesn't make me comforting." Derek says. "Bring him in." I say to Isaac and he and Scott nod.

While they carry him in Scott comes up to me. "Who are they?" Scott asks motioning to Brody and Dalton. "Oh my werewolf cousins, Brody and Dalton." I say and Scott nods.

Then Derek unzips the body bag that Jackson is in. "What are you doing?!" Scott shouts and Derek sends him a look. "Look Gerard controls him now! And now he's just going to get bigger and better!" Derek snaps and Argent shakes his head. "No Gerard wouldn't let something like that live." Argent says. "Of course not! Something like that is better off dead." Gerard says and Derek holds up his claws to kill Jackson.

But then Derek gets stabbed in the chest by Jackson. Pain rushes into my chest causing me to scream through gritted teeth. I fall to the ground when Derek gets thrown. I groan as Brody helps me sit up. When the pain goes away I sit up and shift getting ready to fight. I watch as Brody and Dalton do the same. I see Derek in the corner as he growls at the Kanima.

Then we all start to fight the Kanima. Until Derek gets his stomach slashed by the Kanima causing me to fall to the ground. Brody and Dalton are paralyzed. Then Allison stabs Isaac and starts going after Derek. I growl in pain at her. Then the Kanima grabs her by the neck.

Then Gerard admits he's dying and he wants the bite from Derek. Scott picks Derek off of the ground. "Scott don't! Please! He'll just kill Derek right afterwards then he will be an Alpha!" I scream at Scott through tears. I can't lose Derek. I will die I inside. "I'm sorry Malena." Scott tells me and I look at him. "Scott he's my mate! My true love! My first and only love! You can't do this! Please!" I yell at him and Scott ignores me.

Before Scott can do it I get enough strength to stand up and run over to Gerard. "Malena don't!" Derek mumbles and ignore him. I then bit down on Gerard arm and he screams. When the venom is in there I let his arm go falling down. I whimper in pain as my body comes in contact with the ground.

I feel a hand cup my cheek and I look up see Derek looking at me. I look over at Gerard and his bite mark is bleeding black blood. Confusion consumes me as I stare at the bite mark. "What is this?! What did you do?!" Gerard shouts at Scott and Scott looks at us. "Everyone said Gerard always had a plan, so I had one too." Scott tells us and Gerard takes out a pill container and crushes the pills in his hand. "Mountain ash!" He yells in rage.

Then Gerard starting pucking up black blood and slumps to the ground. I look over at Scott and slowly pick myself off of the floor. "Why didn't you tell me?" Derek asks still in pain as I help him up. "You may be an Alpha but your not mine." Scott says and a flash of hurt quickly flashes in Derek's eyes.

Then I walk up to Scott slapping him across the face. He winces in pain as he rubs his red cheek. "That was for not telling me." I say and then I pull Scott into a hug, which caches him off guard. "And this was for keeping Derek safe." I mumble and Scott slowly puts his arms around me too. Believe it or not but Scott and Stiles have grown on me. To me they are the annoying brothers I never wanted, but in a good way. Sort of.

I pull away giving Scott a small smile that he returns. "Kill them all!" Gerard shouts spitting out black blood. The Kanima let's go of Allison looking confused and then Stiles speeds in hitting the Kanima with his jeep. "Did I get him?" Stiles asks with one eye open as Lydia sits there in shock. Then the Kanima jumps on the hood and the two rush out of the jeep.

"Jackson!" Lydia shouts getting the creature's attention while she holds up a key. Then the Kanima turns back into Jackson holding the key with his claws. I look past them and see Peter lurking giving me and Derek a nod. We both look at Jackson who nods and we run at him. Then we plunge our claws into him. Derek in the front, Peter in the back, and me on both sides using both hands lifting him up.

Then we pull back letting him drop to the floor as we walk back. Lydia and Jackson say a couple of things before Jackson slumps down while the rest of his scales disappear. After a while the sound of claws scraping gets out attention. Then Jackson starts starts standing up giving out a wolf roar.

After every thing Brody and Dalton had to get back home.

Later on Derek took me home. When I get out of the car Derek slams me into the car, attacking me with his mouth. I grin and kiss back putting my hands around his neck, scratching his scalp. He moans and I moan back as he starts sucking on my neck. I take in his scent but there's an odd smell. I sniff him again and soon find out it's not coming from Derek.

I pull back and he looks at me confused. "Do you smell that?" I asks and Derek sniffs frowning while nodding. "It smells like blood." He says and I sniff again. The scent smells familiar coming from the house. Then it hits me. "Mom!" I scream running to the house. I kick the door down to see blood everywhere. I run to the living room to see my mom laying on the floor.

"Mom no!" I scream crouching down to her holding her up. I listen for a heart beat but I hear nothing. "No mom. Come on you got to wake up! Please wake up mom! Please! Wake up! Mom wake up!" I scream as a sob comes out of me like a thunder storm. I feel Derek picking me up off the floor. I scream and pound my fist into his arms. I try to get out of his arms but I can't.

"No! Derek let me go!" I yell at him pushing on his chest. He just shakes his head. "Derek let me fucking go! Now!" I yell using my Luna voice and letting my eyes glow I'm rage. I have never used that voice on Derek or flashed my eyes at him that way. A flash of hurt comes onto Derek's face as he finally lets me go. "Derek I-" I am cut off by him growling at me shaking his head.

I can't take this anymore! I run out the door into the woods. I don't hear Derek coming after me. My legs pound on the ground as I run. I finally stop slamming into a tree. I lean against the tree while sitting down on the ground. A sob racks through my body as I pull my knees up to my face.

My mother is dead and I hurt my mate. Why did this have to happen to me? Why me?! Then I hear a twig break in front of me. I jump up glaring at the person in front of me. "What do you want?!" I shout in rage and the person steps out of the shadows with many other people. All their eyes flash red and they bare their fangs except the one in front of me.

I growl and flash my eyes baring my fangs also. "Oh Malena, put those away." Says the man in the sun glasses, I don't listen to him. "Who are you?" I growl and the man smirks at me "Deucalion." And that's the last thing I hear before one of the Alpha injects me with wolfsbane. "Derek." I whisper before darkness consumes me.

That is sadly the end of Malena's Bite! Thank you every one who read and voted for this story! I enjoyed writing this story so much! I haven't decided if I'm going to write a sequel or not. If I do it will be a while because of school and my other stories I am writing. Again thank you guys again!


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