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Malena's Bite (TeenWolf)

Chapter 3

After school, I just go home. My mom is not going to be there so I will be alone like always. Sigh. My mom always has to work late! She works at the vet clinic. Along with Dr.Detain, also I'm pretty sure Scott works there too.

When get home I park my car and go to the front door. I unlock it and I'm greeted by Junebug. But she looks scarred and alert. I just shrug and walk upstairs to my room. I walk in my room but I hear something strange. It sounds like a heartbeat. I hear two heartbeats, my dog's and someone else's. I catch a scent that I recognize.


I sigh and and look through my bag. "Derek, I know your behind me." I say. "I can hear your heartbeat." I keep looking trough my bag. "How did know it wasn't your dog's." He asks. I glance over at him. He's sitting in my computer chair, with one of my books in his hand. "I could smell you, duh." I say with a smirk. He closes the book and puts back in its place. "So what brings you here, again." I ask, finally finding my phone in my bag. "Just wanted to make sure you told Scott." He says. "Well I did and thanks for that note, it was handy." I say with a sigh. He smirks at me. "But Stiles was there so he knows and he didn't believe me in till I threatened him. And when I threatened him my eyes change so it all work out after that." I explain with a laugh. Derek just stares at me for a long time. I look up from my phone and stare back at him. He looks like he's in a deep thought in till our eyes meet. We stare at each other for what seems like hours. Then my phone starts buzzing. I break the eye contact and look down at my phone. It's a call from Scott. I sigh and pick up the phone.


S:Malena, do you know where Derek is?

I glance over at Derek. I can tell he's listening.

M:yeah, he's right in front of me. Why?

S:Tell him we have a plan to catch the Alpha.

M:I'm pretty sure you already just told him because he's listening.

S:Okay, meet me and Stiles at the school.

M:okay,see you there.

Then the line goes dead. I glance over at Derek. I get up and grab my car keys. "Don't worry about those we're taking my car." Derek says standing up and walking down stairs. I nod and grab my phone and the keys to my house. I follow him down stairs to the front door. I lock my door and step off the porch. I look over to the side of the road and see a slick black car. My eyes widen and I look over at Derek. He looks at me with a smirk. We both walk over to his car and get in. He starts the car and we drive to the school.

When we get there, Scott and Stiles are already there. Derek parks and turns off the car. We both get out and shut the doors. I glance at the boys. I can tell Stiles is checking me out, I roll my eyes. "Stiles, a picture would last longer." I say with a smirk. His eyes widen and he looks away. Scott and I chuckle. "Anyways, how are we going to catch Alpha?" I ask. Then Scott and Stiles explain how Scott is going to howl to call the Alpha. I nod at this plan. "Shouldn't we have her howl too?" Stiles asks. "How am I supposed to do that when I have never shifted?" I asked. Derek nods in agreement. "Can you a least try?" Scott asks. "Fine but I'm staying out here." I say. The two boys run over to the school.

I look at Derek who's staring at me. "What?" I ask. "You know it will hurt when you shift right?" Derek asks. I frown and sigh. All the sudden I hear something that sounds like a cat dying. "You got to be kidding me." Derek mumbles. "That was a howl!" I start to laugh so hard. Then my laughter is interrupted by a very loud howl. I jump and hit Derek's chest. "Sorry." I mumble. The howl last for a long time. Then it stops and now I know I have to try.

"How do I make myself shift?" I ask. "Just think about something that makes you mad or stressed." Derek answers. I nod. The first thing that comes to mind is my father. He hit me one time when he came home drunk. I start to breathe heavily and my nails turn to claws. I clench my teeth because of the pain. I close my eyes and I feel my teeth grow into fangs. My whole face hurts as it changes. Then I take a deep breathe and let out a long and loud howl. Once I'm done I open my eyes and look at Derek. His eyes are wide. I look over and see Scott and Stiles with their mouths wide open. I smile at them and I can tell my body is shifting back to human form. "Malena, your eyes were purple." Scott says and my eyes widen. "How?" I say and glance at Derek. "I don't know. An alpha,beta, nor an omega would have those type of eyes." Derek states, still shocked. "So what does that make me?" I ask. "A Luna." A loud voice snaps. I turn around to be face to face with Alpha.


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