Unwated Visitor

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Malena's Bite (TeenWolf)

Chapter 10

I wake up with two strong arms around me. I smiles to myself. Every thing that happened yesterday flooded my brain. Derek killed Peter, Derek an Alpha, me turn into a full wolf, bit Derek, and me and Derek have sex. That's was the summary of every thing that happened yesterday. I sigh and turn to face Derek. I make eye contact with his green eyes. He was already awake, of course. "How long have you been awake?" I ask. "Not long enough." He states. "Your beautiful when your asleep, you know that." Derek adds and I blush. Then remember that we are both naked under the covers. "So... Last night..." I say and bite my lip. "Any regrets?" He asks. "Nope." I say with a smile. "You?" I ask. "Defiantly not." Derek states and smiles back. I giggle and lean my head into his chest. He strokes my hair and I rub tiny circles on his stomach. "You want to go eat breakfast?" I ask. "What about your mom?" He asks. "Work. So it's just you and me, Alpha." I state with a smirk. "Alright, Luna." Derek says.

We get dressed and head down stairs. Well dressed for us was me in some shorts and Derek's tee shirt and for Derek just his pants. We walk down the stairs and to the kitchen. "So what do you want, Alpha?" I ask looking through the fridge. "Whatever you have, Luna." Derek whispers into my ear. He then wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head in the croak of my neck. I chuckle and grab two green apples. I turn around and look up at Derek. "Mouth open." I demand and he obeys. I put the apple up to his mouth and he grabs it with his teeth. He uses one of his hands to hold it while he takes a bite. I smile and take a bite of mine.

I glance at the island and see someone sitting there. I take a double take and recognize the man. My dad. I gasp and put a hand over my mouth. Derek looks over at my father and furrow his eye brows. My father just smirks at me and glares at Derek. "What the hell are you doing here?!" I shout. My father frowns. "You don't talk with such language. I didn't raise my daughter that way." My father scolds. I roll my eyes. "What are you doing here?!" I yell. I glance over at Derek. He looks like he has seen him before. "Hunter." Derek whispers and my eyes widen. My father is a hunter!!

"I came to kill the Alpha." He states. "And I see I have found him considering you called him 'Alpha'." He adds. "The Alpha that was killing people is dead." I state. "Derek killed him yesterday and became an Alpha." I add and my father frowns. "Well I have to follow orders, witch is to kill every living werewolf." He says and stands up pulling out a gun. He points it at Derek and clips the bullet into the chamber. Derek just glares at him. I shift and step in front of Derek and growl at my father. My father looks at me with shock. "Put the gun down, and don't ever try to kill my mate again!" I demand in my Luna voice. Usually my wolf some how takes over and calls Derek 'my mate' instead of 'Derek'. He lowers the gun and stares at me. "A Luna." He mumbles. "You turned her!" My father shouts at Derek. "No he didn't! The alpha that he killed yesterday did and he made me his Luna but now Derek is my Alpha because I didn't want to be an Alpha." I explain. "Malena!" Derek shouts and I look at him confused. He's looking at my hands. I glance at my hands and they are turning into wolf paws. "Malena you need to get outside, now!" Derek shouts and I nod. He picks me up bridle style and runs me out the back door. He lays me down on the forest floor and removes my shirt and shorts. Then he steps back and I shift into my wolf.

I stand up and sit like a dog and look up at Derek. He sits down next to me and starts to pet me like a dog. He starts to scratch me from behind the ear and I lay my head on his lap. I start to feel myself shift back to my human form. I sit up and cover my breasts. My face turns a bright red and I stare at the ground. Derek chuckles and pulls the shirt over my head. He then hands me my shorts. I slip them on and rest my head on his shoulder and a couple of tears escape my eyes. Derek wraps his arm around my waist and kisses the top of my head.

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