School Night

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Malena's Bite (TeenWolf)

Chapter 4

I stare wide eyed at Alpha. I stare into his red, lustful, eyes as he growls. He starts moving forward in my direction. I start backing up in till I hit a hard chest. I turn to glance as who's chest it was. I look up at Derek, who just glances at me and looks back at Alpha. Alpha just stares at me. I move behind Derek, close to Scott and Stiles. I hear Alpha growl at Derek, and Derek growls back. I look up at him and he's fully shifted. His piercing blue eyes glare at the Alpha, ready to fight. I look over at Scott and Stiles. They look at the Alpha then back at each other. Then they make a break for it, running to the school. I feel anger rising in me. They just ran away and left us to dill with the Alpha!

I look at my hands and my claws start to grow. I feel my fangs grow into sharp points. I glance at Derek's car and see my reflection. My eyes are darkish purple. I look over at Alpha and Derek. They're both staring at me. Like they're waiting for me to pick a side. I move to Derek's side and growl loudly at Alpha. The Alpha growls loudly at me and looks furious. Probably because I chose Derek instead of his pack. He charges at me but Derek shoves me behind him. "Go!" Derek yells pushing me towards the school. He claws at Alpha as they circle each other. I decide to listen to Derek and run to the school.

I yank the door open and get pulled in by Scott. Stiles slams the door shut and sighs in relief. I yank out of Scott's hands and growl at both of them. They jump a little at my growl, because I'm still in wolf form. "You dumb asses! You left me and Derek out there to die!" I shout at them.

Then I feel a piercing pain in my back. It's so painful that I fall to the ground, screaming in pain. Both boys stare at me then back out the window. Then I feel pain in my shoulder. I wince and grab at my shoulder and back. When the pain disappears and stand back up. Scott stares at me wide eyes. "Malena did your back and shoulder hurt?" Scott asked. I nodded. "Well you are having the same pain as Derek." Stiles budded in. I stared at them. What! So now I'm something called a Luna and now I can feel another person's pain! What now?! Am I going to turn into a fucking unicorn at midnight?!

I look out the door window to see Alpha throw Derek at a wall. Pain goes through my whole body as he hits the wall and falls. I groan. I didn't even realize that when I was going through the pain that I shifted back. Why do I feel others pain? I decide to punch Scott and Stiles in the shoulder. They wince in pain but I don't feel their pain. "What the hell was that?!" Stiles groans. "It seems I only feel Derek's pain. But why?" I mumble. They both shrug. "It seems to me Alpha has killed Derek so that means we're next!" Stiles shouts. I feel kinda of a sad feeling that Derek could be dead. I let out a whimper that I didn't know I was holding. Scott and Stiles look at me weird. "Honestly I have no idea where that came from. I blame my inter wolf!" I defend myself, raising my hands up in surrender. They just nod and look back out the window.

"So what now?" I ask. They both look at me. "We run!" Stiles shouts and they take off with out me. I look back out the window to see the Alpha charging at the door. I gulp and run down a random hall. I have no idea where Scott and Stiles went but right now I really don't care! I reach a dead end and curse under my breathe. I hear a loud growl from behind me. I turn around to be met with red glowing eyes. I gulp and just stand up straight to show that I'm not as scarred. Alpha then tackles me like he did when he bit me. He stares at me with his red lust filled eyes. I take a deep breathe. "What do you want?" I ask but comes out as a whisper. The fear is eating me alive. Is he going to kill me for not being in his pack? I feel his claws dig into my thigh. I scream through gritted teeth. Then the Alpha howls and he makes me shift. And I get this feeling to kill any thing living. The Alpha gets off of me and disappears. I get up and start to make my way towards a scent.

When I reach where the scent is, there's a door in my way. I move the door knob but it's locked. "Scott? Is that you?" A human girl asked from behind the door. I growl and tried to break off the door knob. I heard some screams and gasps behind the door. Witch was like music to my ears so I kept trying. When I was about to break the door knob, I was pushed down the hallway landing on the floor. I look at my attacker. I look up to be met with icy blue piercing eyes. I get angrier, he's fucking trying to steal my prey! I stand up and growl at the other werewolf and lunge at him. We fight for a little and I end up back on the floor again. This time I get up faster and I sweep kick him. He falls to the ground and I get up on top of him. I straddle his waist and pin his hands above his head. He tries to get up but I'm stronger. I stare into his blue eyes, while gritting my teeth to show him my fangs. Eventually his eyes turn to a dark green and my grip on his hands loosens. Then I realize what I was trying to do. I was trying to kill people including Derek. I frown and I start to shift back to human form. He just stares at me with confusion. I stand up and get off of him. I put my hand over my mouth as tears start to form in my eyes. I can't believe I was going to trying to kill someone! "I'm so sorry." I whisper and a couple of tears fall from my eyes. "I didn't know what I was doing..." I say as more tears fall and I stare at the ground. I feel so ashamed that I wanted to kill people.

Then I feel two strong arms wrap around me into a hug. I look up to meet his dark green eyes. "It's okay. It wasn't your fault. I know that you wouldn't want to kill people." He whispers to me in a soft voice. "But that's the thing I wanted to." I say. I start to sob into his chest. "Malena." He says in a stern voice. I don't look at him but he grabs my chin and makes me look at him. "That wasn't you and I know that. It was the Alpha not you." He says in a very serious tone. I just nod and burry my face into his chest.

Then I hear cop cars come to the building. I feel Derek grab my hand and we run to the other side of the building. We quickly walk outside and I see his black car sitting there. He must have moved it. We get in quickly and drive off. "Why are we running from the cops?" I ask. "Because Scott and his stupid friend told them I was the one attacking them." He says and I can tell he's pissed. "Those assholes! First they leave me in the middle of hallway and then they tell the cops that just because they thought you were dead?!" I complain. I'm not talking to them again. I wouldn't even consider them my friends. "What do you mean they left you in a hallway?" Derek asks. And I explain how they just ran. I see Derek's hands grip the steering wheel tighter. "Derek-" but he cuts me off. "We'll talk about this tomorrow." He says and I just nod.

He parks a couple of houses down just in case of the cops. My mom of course isn't home so I bring Derek inside with me. He takes a seat on my bed. I shut and lock my door. I yawn and go in my bathroom and change into some red shorts and a black tank top. I also brush my teeth and wash my face. I walk back out and find Derek laying on my bed with my dog laying asleep on his lap. Derek eyes are closed but he's not asleep. I smile at this sight. I walk over to the bed and lay down. Derek's eyes flutter open and he tries to get up to leave. But I grab his shoulder. "Please stay." I say. He smiles and nods. He takes off his shoes, belt, and shirt. I can't keep myself from not staring at his abs. He notices me staring and smirks. My face reddens and I hide my face in my pillow. Suddenly Derek's arms wrap around my waist and pulls me into his chest. I lay my head on his chest and fall into a deep sleep.

I think I might have feelings for Derek. I don't know if it's because of what he did to me today. I don't know because he might have just been trying to comfort me. I doubt he feels the same way though.

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