Alpha VS Alpha

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Malena's Bite

Chapter 15

He walks closer to me, to close for my liking. I growl making him step even closer. I growl even louder and he stops and stares at me. "I have a mate so don't even try and he's an Alpha." I sneer and he just chuckles and walks past me.

I regain control since its a full moon and I have to use as much strength to keep my wolf inside. I walk into the dinning room and see everyone taking a seat so I do the same.

Natalie and my mom just chat among their selves as I stay quiet and stare at my food. I can feel Zeke staring at me and I can tell he's smirking. After a while I can't take it and I make an excuse that I have homework I have to get done. "Oh why don't you take Zeke with you." My mom says and Zeke smiles as I stare daggers at both of them. "Fine." I mumble and make my way to my room angrily with Zeke following me from behind.

I walk in and sit on my bed. I feel the full moon trying to take over. I think of what to do. I look around my room and see Derek's leather jacket hanging on my desk chair. I see Zeke looks at me weirdly as I rush to grab the jacket. I start to smell the jacket and let Derek's amazing scent feel my nose. I start to feel more control and I start to relax a little.

"Your room reeks of his scent." Zeke states as he scrunches up his nose. "Well you better be glad it does because I was about to loose control." I snap and he looks a little surprised. "I would expect a Luna to be able to control herself." He admits and I roll my eyes. "I was bitten. This is my second full moon." I mutter and he just stares at me.

I just put on Derek's jacket as I just stare the window wishing Derek would just come through it. And that's exactly what happens.

"Derek!" I shout quietly as I jump off from the bed strait into his arms. He chuckles and kisses me but then pulls back with a frown looking behind me.

He growls lowly at Zeke and I turn around to see Zeke leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face. "No go ahead continue I'm not here." He says with that smirk still on his face. "Who is he?" Derek sneers glaring a Zeke. "You know that dinner I said That was going at my house. Well it's turns out to be one of my moms friends and her son Zeke who turned out to be a werewolf." I explain.

"And he's in here because my mom made me let him in here." I add and Derek nods as he wraps his arm around my waste still glaring at Zeke.

Surprisingly the rest the night ended with no blood or shifting. Zeke turned out to be a very cocky son of a bitch.

At the moment me and Derek are laying on my bed watching TV. Derek told me how they had gotten Isaac out.

"We need two more members." Derek says and I look up at him. "Well who do you have in mind?" I ask and he sighs. "Erica that girl that has the seizers." Derek answers and I nod.

"What about you?" Derek asks and I think for a moment. Then it came to me. "Boyd." I say. "Who?" Derek asks. "Boyd, he's a kid that has no friends and is always alone at lunch." I respond and he nods. Soon I'm indulged into darkness.


I know this chapter sucked! But I couldn't think of anyway to write it differently.


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