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Malena's Bite (TeenWolf)

Chapter 5

I wake up to a knock at my door. I groan. "Malena, I wanted to tell you that school has been canceled for the rest of the week." I heard my mom shout from behind the door. "Okay!" I shout so she can hear me. "I'm going to work see you later." She yells and I can hear her footsteps disappearing and the front door closing. I sigh and look at my clock, it's 9:00. I sigh and rollover but bump into something. But it's bigger than Junebug. I sit up, to become eye contact with dark green eyes. I sigh in relief and he raises his eye brows. "You scared the hell out of me." I mumble and flop down, back on my pillow. I hear him chuckle a little. Then all the memories of last night flood through my head. I sigh. "I'm getting in the shower." I tell him. He nods and I get up and head to my dresser. I grab my clothes and head to the bathroom. I walk in and shut the door behind me, locking in of corse. Then I strip out of my clothes and jump in the shower.

Once I'm done, I dry myself off and put on my clothes. I put on some black tights and a dark purple, lacey, long sleeved shirt on over my back tank top. Then I dry my hair and put it up in a ponytail. I then move onto some simple make up. I put on concealer, foundation, eye liner, and mascara. With some fruit scented chap stick. I then walk out of my bathroom and see Derek isn't there. I frown and walk down stairs.

As I reach the bottom, I smell something like toast and fruit. I walk in the kitchen and see Derek making breakfast. He glances at me and smiles. I smile back and sit on the bar stool. He then hands me a plate with toast with some watermelon and strawberries on the side. "I can make my own breakfast." I mumble to him. "You didn't have to make this for me." I say. He sighs and shakes his head. "You deserve it." He states pushing the plate towards me. I smile and shake my head. "For what?" I ask taking a bite of watermelon. "From every thing you went through yesterday." He states sitting next to me with his plate of food. I nod and mumble, "thanks".

Once I finished, I put my plate in the sink and rinse it off. Then I remember what I wanted to ask Derek about something yesterday. "Derek," I say and he snaps his head up at me. "What's a Luna?" I ask. I have been wanting to ask that for a while. He just stares at me for a long time and sighs.

"A Luna is like the second leader of the pack." He explains. "Like if the Alpha is out the Luna is in charge of the pack. But Lunas are only female werewolves. The Alphas pick the most bravest and trustworthy Luna for the pack. But most of the time the Alphas just pick a male Beta as a second leader not usually a Luna." He explains more and I nod understanding. "Also if the Luna's Alpha dies. Then the Luna must choose a male beta to become the Alpha by biting them on the neck." He continues. "What happens if the Luna doesn't bite one of the Betas to become an Alpha?" I ask. "Then they become the Alpha of the pack." He states and I nod. "So if we kill Alpha, I will have to bite a male beta or I become an Alpha?" I ask and he nods. "But if the Luna's Alpha was killed by another werewolf to become an Alpha. Then even though he's already an Alpha the Luna still has to bite him if she wants him to be the Alpha of her pack." Derek adds, I nod. "So does that make me stronger than Betas and Omegas?" I ask and he nods. "And be careful what you bite because you can turn humans like an Alpha can." He states. My eyes widen. "Okay, that's one thing I not sure if I like." I state. He chuckles a little.

I was going to ask him why I felt his pain but there's a knock on the door. I sigh and walk to the front door. But Derek grabs my wrist. "Don't tell them I'm alive. Okay?"

Derek says. I nod and point to the stairs. He then gets up and walks up the stairs quickly.Then I open the door and there stands Scott and Stiles. They smile at me but I frown. They better be lucky I haven't punch them both in the face for leaving me in the hallway. "What do you bastards want?" I ask giving them glares. "Well that hurt! What's up with you?" Stiles asks. "Are you fucking kidding me?! You two left me stranded in the hallway, while the Alpha came charging through the goddam door!" I shout at them. "Oh yeah...." Stiles mumbled scratching the back of his neck. "You two are lucky I haven't punch you in the face yet!" I yell at them. Scott sighed. "Listen we're sorry and we came here to make sure you were okay." Scott confessed. "Well I'm standing right here aren't i?" I say. "Also we were going to help you with some research on Lunas." Stiles said. I sigh angrily and open the door and let them in. I look down and my dog is sitting on the edge of the porch, terrified. "What the hell did you do to my dog?!" I shout at Scott. "Oh, that was your dog?" Scott said. I sigh. "Come on, Junebug." I say sweetly to her and she starts to wag her tail and comes inside. I look up at the boys and they stare at me weird. "Yes, my dog's name is Junebug. Get over it." I say.

"I kinda already done some research on Lunas, but it didn't answer everything that happened last night." I state, while I sit on the sofa. "Well what did you find out?" Stiles asks. I sigh. "Lunas are like the second leader of the pack. And Lunas are only females. The Alpha picks the most bravest and trustworthy female beta to become a Luna. But Alphas usually pick a male Beta and not a Luna. Also if the Alpha of the pack dies or is killed, the Luna must bite a male Beta or a Male Alpha to become the Alpha of her pack." I explain. "And if the Luna doesn't bite an Alpha or Beta, she becomes an Alpha." I finish and the boys stare at me with open mouths. "And here is the big thing, Lunas can turn people into werewolves like an Alpha can." I add. "What?!" They both yell. I nod and sigh.

"But I have no idea why I felt Derek's pain last night." I admit. They glance at each other and back at me. "What? Do you know why?" I ask. "They both nod and my eyes widen. "Well tell me!" I demand. Scott sighs. "You felt Derek's pain, not because your a Luna, because..." He trails off and looks at Stiles. "Because you and Derek are mates..." Stiles finishes. I gasp and I'm speechless.

"Like in soul mates?" I ask. They both nod. "Oh god." I mumble and sigh. "Anyways, what happened to you in the school?" Scott asks. "Well after you stranded me in the hallway, I ran down a random hallway." I say. "Then the Alpha caught me and made me shift and when I shifted I went on some kind of killing spree, but I didn't kill any one." I continue. "Then when I reached a room full of humans, I tried to break down the door but when I was about to break the door I realized what I was doing. So after I shifted back I went to the other side of the building and walked home." I finished but I left out Derek. Scott gave me a look, like he knew I was leaving out something but he didn't say any thing.

They finally left after they told me what happened to them at the school. I sighed and made my way upstairs. I walk in my room and see Derek reading the same book as yesterday. I flop on my bed, back first and sigh. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked Derek, who looked up from the book and raised his eye brows. "Tell you what?" He asked. "You weren't listening?" I asked. "No." And he isn't lying because his heart beat is steady. "Why didn't you tell me that we're mates?" I ask. He looks up at me and I can tell he's shocked. He sighs and comes and sits next to me on the bed. I sit up and stare at him.

"I was going to tell you after all of this went away." He says. "I'm sorry, I should have told you." He doesn't even make eye contact with me. "It's okay I understand you didn't want to put me in pressure of me trying to like you in that way but that's the thing Derek..." I pause for moment as he finally makes eye contact with me. "I already felt that way when I first met you." I say with a smile. He looks at me shocked and grins. Then I stare into his dark green eyes and be stares back into mine. Then his eyes flicker down to my lips and then he parts his. He then leans down but he stops when our noses touch.

He takes a deep breath and crashes his lips into mine. As soon as his lips crashed into mine, I kissed back. Our eyes were closed and our lips moved together perfectly. I put my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist. He then licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance, witch I gladly grant. He shoves his tongue in my mouth and I do the same. I start to tug on his hair and I earn a mown from him. He then pulls me onto his lap without breaking the kiss. I wrap my legs around his waist. He then starts to rub my thigh and I mown. Then he breaks the kiss and starts to make kisses down my jaw to my neck. I crane my neck so he can have more room. He starts to suck on this one spot of my neck, witch makes me mown. I look down at my hands and my claws have come out and I feel my fangs come out to a point. Derek then gives me one last kiss on the lips before opening his eyes. When he opens his eyes, they are icy blue and I can see his fangs are grown out. I look down at his hands and his claws have also grown. I look back at him and make eye contact with him. I smile at him. He smiles back and puts a piece of my bangs behind my ear. I feel myself shifting back and he does the same. He chuckles at me and I raise my eye brows. "Your eyes are still purple." He states and my face reddens and I bury my face in his shoulder. He chuckles again. I look back at him and I raise my eye brows, asking if their back to normal and he nods. I smile and lean back into his shoulder and sigh a happy sigh.

Derek is truly mine not just because we are mates. Even if we weren't mates, I think we would still feel like this with each other. Kissing in each other's arms and enjoying each other's company.

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