Chapter 11: Betrayal

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Quinn's POV

We all left the hospital and went back to the theatre. Ben Cook decided to just leave his phone there and then go home. Ben pulled me aside to talk about something.
"Quinn, I don't think it's safe to stay with me now. Please don't worry, I'll see tomorrow. Andrew said he'd bring you to his house," Ben said.
"I don't want to go," I said.
"Quinn, the man got away. He probably saw you and went back to wherever and told the next person in charge to tell them where you are."
"But by that logic they'd know who I was with. That would put just about anyone in danger. Ben, you can't do this," I protested.
"Quinn, please just do it. I don't want to leave you with Andrew either, but he suggested it. And I thought you trusted him," Ben said. He was looking me in the eyes. I looked away from him. Then Andrew came over to us.
"Come on, Quinn," he said. I hung my head and followed Andrew. Before leaving, though, I took one last look at Ben.
When we got to Andrew's apartment in Brooklyn something seemed off to me, even though I had never been there. The apartment was dark and when we stepped inside a lamp suddenly flicked on. The man from the hospital was sitting on the couch.
"Thank you for bringing her to me, Andrew," he said.
"You won't hurt her, right?" Andrew asked.
"I won't go with him," I said.
"You have no choice. I'm only here to take you home," the man replied.
"You shoud be doing it through social services. That's why I'm here, and I am already home."
"No, your home is just outside the city. The family you have there loves you and misses you. I'm here to bring you back there," the man seemed persistant to make me follow him to wherever he wanted to take me.
"If that's true then why haven't they sent any word to the police?" I asked.
"They thought you'd come hom by now. And the police wouldn't believe them," the man replied. I glared at him.
"Look, Quinn, this is your father," Andrew said.
"No he's not. Ben is. Ben cares about me. And you've betrayed him. You've betrayed me. And I don't care how many stories this man tells me. He's not my father," I said. The man looked down at his shoes.
"Who is this Ben?" he asked.
"Ben Fankhauser. He took her in when we found her. He was the only she trusted until recently," Andrew replied.
"If you're my father, wouldn't you have been looking? Wouldn't my real name and my face be plastered everywhere?" I asked. I wasn't going with that man.
"I already told you, Maria, the police wouldn't have believed us," the man said. I was still learning things, but I was finding holes in his story.
"My name is not Maria. It's Quinn. And I'll never go with you. This is kidnapping," I said. I turned and ran out. I could hear them come after me. I didn't stop or slow down. I couldn't believe Andrew did this.

Ben's POV

After Quinn left I sat in my dressing room.
"Where's Quinn?" Josh asked.
"Why?" I replied.
"Ben and I wanted to see her."
"She went with Andrew. It's just for tonight."
"Are you sure?"
"Well, Andrew was talking with someone about her and it doesn't seem likely that she'll be coming back. Andrew thinks he found her real family," Josh said. I got up and left without thinking anything through. I left the theatre and went to a subway station where I caught a train to Brooklyn.
When I got to Andrew's apartment there was no sign of anyone. I was just about to leave when a light randomly flicked on, lighting up the whole room.
"You must be Ben," a man said. I whipped around to see a man standing in a doorway. It was the man from the hospital.
"Where is she?" I asked.
"Andrew is out looking for her. What are you doing here?"
"I came to get her."
"Because you might not actually be related to her. And she likes being around me."
"Oh. Well I think you should wait here. They might be back soon," the man said. Something about him seemed off, but I didn't know what that something was.
"I'll wait outside," I said. I turned towards the door and took a step towards it. I felt a hand grab my arm.
"What's wrong with in here?" the man said. I stood still.
"Nothing, I'd just rather wait outside," I said. I tried to break away, but the grip was really strong.
"I just got an idea to get her back," the man said. His words sent chills down my spine. "I think I'll do what Elaine and Jeff tried to do."

Ben Cook's POV

I was sitting in my dressing room when I heard the stage door open and close. To my knowledge Josh and I were the only ones at the theatre. In fact there was hardly any people on Broadway. All the theatres had closed.
"Ben?" someone asked. I recognized the voice to be Quinn's. I ran out into the hallway and saw Quinn standing near the stage door.
"Quinn, what are you doing here? I thought you were Andrew," I said.
"I was, but he, he," Quinn hesitated.
"He what?" I asked, thinking he did something really really really bad.
"He tried to give me to the people who kidanpped you and Sky," Quinn replied. Then I noticed tears forming in her eyes. "Where's Ben?"
"I don't know. But you can stay with me until we know."
"Okay," Quinn said. She followed me back to my dressing room.
After an hour of sitting there we left for my apartment. Quinn had explained everything to me and I agreed that Andrew had betrayed us. I couldn't believe it. He didn't seem the type to do it, but he had.

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