Chapter 22: Big Reveal

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Josh's POV

I helped Dan get Ben to a hospital. He was bleeding again, so we held a towel to his head.
When he got to the hospital he got admitted for a concussion. It was pretty bad. As we waited to hear about him I was texting Ben about Ben and Quinn.
She just inhaled a bowl of soup. Ben texted. That made me smile.
I still don't know how bad Ben is. They've treated everything they could and he's currently getting checked for a concussion, which they think could be a very serious one. I texted back.
I hope he's okay. I also hope Quinn gets to stay after today's event.
Me too. Her aunt is wack.
Tell me about it. There's no way she actually cares about her. Wait I have to go we think she might have powers. Ben texted. I looked down at my phone in shock.
Wait what? I texted back. Ben didn't reply. I looked up at Dan. He was pacing the room.
"He's going to be okay, Dan," I said.
"I know. But I just still feel really nervous about this. You said he hit his head a couple times before," Dan said.
"And he was fine. All he needs is some rest and then he'll be okay."
"I know but still. Where is that doctor?" Dan looked around for the doctor.
"I don't know," I replied. Then the doctor came over to us.
"He'll be okay. He's resting right now. It is another concussion. He's going to be here for a day or two so we can make sure there's no brain damage. What is this his third concussion in the span of three days?" The doctor said. I nodded.
"We should go and let him rest," I said. Dan didn't do anything. He had paused when the doctor came, but he was pacing now. "Dan?"
"Hmm," Dan said. He looked at me and paused his pacing again.
"Come on, I think you should meet Quinn. Ben needs rest, so we're going to let him rest," I said. Dan sighed and followed me.
When we got Ryan's apartment, Ben let us in.
"So, how's Ben?" Ben asked.
"Horrible concussion. Worst one yet," I replied.
"Oh," Ben said.
"Ben, it worked! It actually worked!" Quinn said she ran up to Ben and started tugged on him and jumping up and down even though she was the same height as me.
"What worked?" Dan asked. Quinn turned to face us. Her excitement faded a bit. Then she yanked us in.
"I have superpowers," she said.
"That's impossible," Dan replied.
"I can heal fast."
"How did you test that?" Ben asked.
"I might've slipped on something and hit my head like Ben," Quinn said. Then Ryan came over.
"Quinn, are you sure you're okay?" He asked.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Quinn replied. Ryan looked her arm over.
"Ryan, she said she's okay," I said.
"Oh, Josh, I think also might've made something turn invisible. I'm not sure though," Quinn said. Ben came up to us.
"You might've what?" He asked. That's when I noticed that Ben was practically her dad now. That made me laugh a bit.
"What's funny?" Quinn asked.
"Have we all not realized that Ben is practically Quinn's dad? How did we all miss this?" I replied.
"He is?" She asked.
"Have you ever had a father?" I asked. She looked confused.
"At one point I did," she said slowly. It was like she was remembering something. "He's dead. He died with my mother back in Washington."
"I'm sorry," I said. I looked down at the floor.
"Its okay. It was a year ago," Quinn said. She placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked at her and she gave me a small smile. Then there was knock on the door.
"What the hell?" Ryan said as he went to the door. He opened it and two people in suits were standing there.
"Is this where the girl is?" One of them asked.
"Why do you wanna know?" Ryan asked. I held Quinn in a protective way.
"We're federal agents. And that girl has some important information," the other said.
"Well then why are you here now? Wait in line for custody," Ryan said.
"Sir, this girl has something very important."
"What could be so important?"
"She has superpowers."
"Yeah we know. She hit her head on something and two seconds later she was completely fine."
"We're going to have take all of them," one said to the other. He nodded and they advanced inside. I grabbed Quinn and we ran onto the fire escape.
"What about Ben?!" Quinn asked.
"We'll find him later. There's no time!" I replied.
"There's always time, Josh!"
"Quinn, not right now! We have to get out of here," I said. I pulled her along.

Ben's POV

Josh had gotten Quinn away from the agents. They took us however. I was led out of Ryan's apartment with him and Dan in handcuffs.
"Do you think she got away?" Ryan asked me quietly as we were walked to the truck.
"I hope so," I replied. I shoved in the truck first. They didn't uncuff us, so we couldn't brake a fall. I fell on my face from that. They locked us in after Dan was thrown in.
"What are they gonna do to us?" Dan asked.
"I don't know. But we have to keep calm," I replied. Dan looked scared.
"What if they kill us? Ben and Josh will be on their own," Dan said. He was freaking out.
"Dan, we will be fine. They only want us so they can make a deal with her to her back," I explained.
"Why do you keep calling her her?"
"If they know her name it'll be easier for them to find her."
"So it's for her protection?"
"Quiet down back there!" one of the agents yelled. I could tell by the way Dan sat that he wasn't as adjusted to it as me and Ryan. But this was also Ryan's first time in this situation.
When the truck stopped the door swung open. I looked at a building. It looked like a lab, which it turned out to be. They brought us inside and locked us up.
"Why are you doing this?!" Dan asked. He never got an answer. Instead the people just walked away. He slumped against the wall.
"Ben, what are we gonna do?" Ryan asked.
"I don't know, but I know we'll think of something," I replied.

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