16- Cat

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Yoongi's POV

I felt the weight of something pressing down on me, causing me to wake up. My eyes barely opened as I stared up at the ceiling, then I tried to roll over.

Only I couldn't.

Jimin's cheek was pressed against my shoulder, his arm slinging over my chest, and his leg wrapped over mine. His grip on me tightened every time I shifted.

"Jimin," I whispered, trying to wake him up. His body was really warm and I'm beginning to sweat. I shrugged my shoulder that he was resting on, a groan coming from his throat. "Wake up." His hand trailed from my chest to my hip, gripping it firmly before releasing. Fuck this isn't good.

I managed to get out of his grip, and he slowly opened his eyes. Upon seeing my face, he gave a gentle smile.

"Yoongi-hyung~," he hummed, tucking his balled hands under his chin as he tried to keep his eyes open for longer. He failed in doing so, falling back asleep. Seeing him sleep so soundly made me tired again, a yawn erupting from my mouth. I got off the bed and went to lie down on the cool futon that I laid out for Jimin the night before. Cuddled in the blankets was the cat that Hobi brought in. He took care of it by giving her a bath first because we don't know where it's been. He's fed it and made sure she had lots of toys to play with for when we were at work. I pulled the blanket so that she was out of the way and I could lie down. When I did, she made her way towards me and lied down at my side. God dammit. Now I'm going to have cat hair everywhere. Hobi wanted this cat, why isn't she with him?

Nevertheless, I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.


I woke up to Jimin hugging me again, so I pushed him off, causing him to wake up.

"Yoongi~" he sat up with a smile on his face, his eyes half closed.

I brought my hand to his cheek, his expression turning confused. I ran my thumb over his plump bottom lip, then he understood. I pushed him onto his back and I kept myself propped on my elbow as I looked at him. His hand grabbed my wrist and he pulled me down.

"Yoongi-hyung!" A cheerful voice rang in my ears and my eyes shot open. Confused, I turned to see Jimin playing with the cat. "It's her!"

"What is?"

"This is the cat that my grandma had! She has the same spots in the same exact place. Oh, it's been so long, hasn't it?" The cat rubbed her cheek against Jimin's palm.

Is that why the cat came to my room for the first time? Because she recognized Jimin?

"Alright well, I'll go make breakfast." I pulled the blanket off of me and left Jimin with the cat. I went into the kitchen only to find Hoseok on the floor peeking under the couch on the way there. "Hoseok?"

He pushed himself up and met my eyes. "Have you seen Serendipity?"


"Yeah, the cat."

"Why'd you give her such a long name?"

"Well, because we found her by chance and she's made me so happy, like the word 'Serendipity'. It just came to me."

I nodded my head as I approved of the idea and pointed my thumb behind me. "She's in my room."

Yoonmin- Delusions [M.YG • P.JM]Where stories live. Discover now