30- Depend 🔙

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Taehyung's POV
-6 years ago-

My nurse came to my room and let me out so I could go to the cafeteria. I loved going to the cafeteria. Not only was it an opportunity to eat, but a place where I can sit with my friends without having to sneak into Jimin's huge room.

My pace quickened, my nurse calling for me from behind.

"Little Tae!" I heard her giggle. "Wait for me, you're too fast!"

I turned my head to see her try to catch up, so I started to run. I brought my hand to my mouth to hide my laughter. I almost reached the cafeteria when a stern voice made me stop in my tracks.

"Nurse Jo!" I turned around to see my nurse had stopped giggling and had her head down. "Running in the halls is unprofessional and unacceptable. What if you were to run into a patient?"

"I-I'm sorry, Doctor." I watched her bow her head even lower.

"I hope you'll take this into account and refrain from doing it again in the future."

"Yes, Doctor." At her agreement, he turned on his heels and walked away.

What's his problem? We can't have fun in this depressing hell-hole? I hated people like him.

Nurse Jo lifted her head back up and shook her head, her hands in fists at her side. She took a deep breath and then looked at me with a smile.

"You go ahead, Tae." The smile on her face was as if she wasn't just scolded by that jerk. How does she do it? Did she learn it when she went to school? Could I ever learn to do it, too? I feel like I burden people sometimes...

"Hyung!" A familiar voice called. I whipped around to look for the person it came from. In the doorway of the cafeteria stood my little Jungkookie. I- I mean Jungkook. And not mine, his mother's.

He motioned with his hand to follow him in, and I did just that. We walked through the loud cafeteria and got in line to get food. Seems like they have macaroni and cheese today.

When it was our turn, I picked up a tiny bowl of macaroni and cheese because they're actually not that bad, and picked up a cup of strawberry Jell-O for dessert. Jungkook decided to get the same thing as me, apparently. It was cute how he copies me sometimes as his Hyung.

As we walked to our usual table, Jungkook stopped me halfway there.

"I'm gonna join my other friends for today, okay?"

He has other friends? I thought it was just me, Namjoon, Jin, and Jimin.

"O-Okay," I stammered out. I watched as he skipped away to the table of his new friends, and the way his face lit up made my heart hurt. What's this? Am I jealous?


"Jin-Hyung, what are you reading today?" Jimin asked the older.

"Flowers for Algernon," he responded without looking up, Namjoon's arms draped over Jin's shoulders as he read with the older. They were close as they were the most mature in the group.

"Ohh, can you read it to me tonight?" Jimin asked.

"It depends on whether we'd all be able to go to your room. Most likely we will," Jin answered, looking over his book to smile at Jimin, causing his to giggle. He was excited now.

"Tae-Hyung," Jimin said, and I let my eyes meet his, giving him my full attention. "Tae-Hyung," he repeated. "Can you tell when we're calling you 'Tae-Hyung' or your full first name 'Taehyung'?"

I blinked.

I blinked again.

Suddenly my eyelids fluttered at the thought, as if my brain has just malfunctioned.

Then my mouth managed to make words. "That's a great question. I do actually. There's that slight pause and difference in tone when saying 'Tae-Hyung'."

"Oh, okay." He toothlessly grinned before digging back into his macaroni and cheese which by now should be cold since I had already finished eating mine minutes ago.

With no one to talk to, I check up on Jungkook. He was sitting down, caught in conversation with the boys in front of him. I wonder what they're talking about. The boy who sat straight across from Jungkook decided to get up and move closer to him by standing at his side. He leaned forward against the metal table and rested his whole weight on it, his feet lifting off the floor. The two seemed to be talking, Jungkook's smile causing the corner of his eyes to crinkle. What could that boy be saying to Jungkook to where he's smiling that much? Only I make him smile like that.

Without thinking, I get up from my seat and head towards him. My hands are in fists, making my way to him faster. Once I reached him, I rested my chest on his back and brought my arms over his shoulders. I was basically leaning my whole weight on him.

"H-Hyung?" He let out, confused at my sudden action.

"I'm bored. There's no one to talk to at the table when you're not there." I turned to look at the boy on the right, the one who was getting a bit to close to Jungkook to my liking. I just looked him up and down, making him uncomfortable as I'm older than he is. He looked away and walked back to his seat, which had already been taken by someone else. He started to argue with them.

"Hyung, what are you doing?"

"I told you, I felt lonely," I snaked my right arm over his stomach to hug him tighter.

This was when Taehyung found out he needed Jungkook.

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