Chapter 1

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Keith woke up with a start. Sweat pours down his face as he attempts to slow his breathing. Keith let out a sigh of relief. He swings his feet over the edge of the bed and stands, but falls right back down as a wave of dizziness overtakes him. He closed his eyes tight and rubed his head, waiting for the dizzy feeling to leave. A couple seconds later he was able to stand. Shrugging it off as him just being dehydrated from all his sweating, he gets changed and heads to the kitchen for some food and much needed water.

Upon reaching the kitchen he sees Hunk, of course, making himself some food like cookies or a pie. Hunk was humming a tune to himself when he noticed Keith and looks up smiling.

"Hey, Man! Sleep well?" He asked as he turned back to his cookies. "I for one slept like a baby because of yesterday's mission. Few! Really pooped me out."

The day before, the Paladins where sent off to a small planet to drop off some supplies. There was a sickness going around the town and they didn't have the means to take care of it, so they needed the supplies badly. When they reached the surface they had to also help with teaching them how to use this new medication, but the disease was so contagious, they had to keep their helmets on.

When they finally left the planet, many hours later, they where already tired. But awaiting them just outside the planet's atmosphere was a fleet of Galra ships. They bearly got out of there alive. Thanks to Allura and Coran, they where able to destroy the Galra fleet, saving the planet. But left all the Paladins exhosted.

"I slept fine..." Keith said.

Hunk looks over at him, hearing the exhostion in his voice.

"You feeling ok, Man? You don't look so good." Consern in his tone.

"I'm fine hunk." Keith repeated. Slight annoyance was herd.

Hunk shrugged, "alright than."

Allura's voice was herd over the intercom. "Paladins, please meet in the control room, we have a new mission for you."

Keith groaned slightly. Hunk followed suit as he slumped to the control room. Keith pulled himself to his feet as another wave of dizziness caught him. He leaned against the counter, putting a hand fermly down on the ledge. He closed his eyes tight, and waited for it to be over. Soon, he stood back up and drank a little more water, shrugging it off again, and heading to the control room.


On the way down, he ran into Lance, the last person he wanted to see. He let out a slight groan and crossed his arms as he walked.

"Hey Mullet!" He had a slight smirk on his face.

"Not now lance." Keith said with an annoyed sigh.

"What? Not even a hello? That hurts-" he held his hand over his chest and made a pouty face.

Keith only rold his eyes. He was saved from Lances comments by reaching the door. Suddenly a heat wave flashed over him, quickening his breaths and causing him to become dizzy once again. He swiftly put his arm on the wall as he closed his eyes and held his head.

Lance noticed this and became concerned. "Hey, buddy? You ok?"

Keith rubed his head and stood back from the wall. "In fine, Lance." He enters the room. Lance furrowed his brows in concern, but follows after.

Everyone was now in the control room. Allura turns around, seeing everyone here.

"Paladins, we have received a distress call from a nearby planet. Zarkon and
His forces have found a way to drain the quintessence from the planet, and the people as well"

"This specific planet has hundred of quintessence mines that could easily charge Zarkons whole fleet for years." Coran states. (What are years in Altean?)

Allura than continues. "If we let Zarkon get a hold of that much quintessence, he will be as good as invincible. We musnt let that happen!"

Shiro frowns. "Paladins! To your lions! We must stop Zarkon from draining the planet!"

Everyone races to their lions, everyone but Keith. He was looking at the floor as it begins to move side to side. He blinks and rubed his eyes. Things finally begin to clear up as he sees Allura standing in front on him.

"Keith, are you alright?" She asked concerned.

He blinks a couple times "yeah." Turning around, he runs to his lion, leaving Allura standing there.


"Keith, what took you so long?" Lance asked impatiently.

Keith flies out of the hanger. "Sorry, got held up."

"Alright Paladins, were opening up a wormhole now. Once your done there, send us a signal and we'll wormhole you back." Coran says over the intercom.

A wormhole apears in front of them as they all fly in.

Another heat wave hits Keith, his armor making the heat worse. Keith takes off his helmet and  pants slightly as sweat drips down his face. He wipes the sweat away and let's out a breath as he put it back on. He looks up and gasps. What looks like hundreds and hundreds of ships flew by the planet. This was too much for the four of them.

"Shiro... We might just need Voltron." Hunk said with a shake in his voice.

"I think your right... form Voltron!"


And that's the end of this chapter! I really hope y'all enjoyed! I will try to post the next chapter soon as possible. Please comment and tell me what you think! I really appreciate it. Bye for now!

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