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You'd think that every story has a happy ending. That every story has a satisfying conclusion. That maybe by the end of this you'll go on with your day happy and fulfilled. The prince gets the prince's, the evil whitch dies, The slave rises and claims the crown. Thats what we are used to. Happy endings.

This Galra-Keith fiasco seemed to be coming to its own happy ending. Lance and Keith became an official thing. Keith gained control over his other side. He finally feels accepted by everyone. What more could he ask for?

Oh, right. The end of the galra. And today it seemed closer than ever.

At least they thought.

It all started with some master plan. A plan to build a giant teludav to wormhole zarkons giant ship away from his fleet, leaving him defenceless. It was all going as planned. The teludav was near ready with the help of Coran and a genius alien creature, they saved a while back, named slav as the paladins had one more night of rest before the final battle with Zarkon. Everyone slept hard. Wiped out by all the planning for this day. Well mostly everyone.

Keith stirred. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't find it in him to relax. Something about this plan really kept him uneasy. Everyone else seemed very pleased with it. Everyone else believed. Keith, on the other hand, wasn't so easily persuaded.

Small steps filled the hallway that night as Keith crept down the hall to Lances room. He slid the door open and peeked his head in. Lance was sprawled on his stomach asleep. His blanket was hanging off the bed and one of his legs hung out too as he snored softly.

Keith watched him for a quick moment, still deciding whether or not he should disturb him. Though he knew quite well how pissed Lance would get if he knew Keith was having trouble sleeping and didn't go to him. So he slowly walked in and the door hissed shut. He took slow steps over to the bed and placed a hand on Lances shoulder with a light shake.

"Lance.." He called lightly.

A small moan came in response. Keith sighed and shook his head. Instead he climbed over to the other side of Lance and wedged himself between Lance and the wall, burying himself in lances chest and pulling the covers to his shoulders.

Lance turned to face Keith, eyes still closed, and pulled him into an embrace.

"Hey kitten." He whispered. "Is it already that time?" He lifted his head and opened his tired eyes, looking around.

Keith shook his head. "No."

Lance looked back down at Keith and laid his head on the pillow. Keith seemed to be spacing out, hair nearly covering his eyes as Lance moved it behind his ear. Keith looked up.

"Cant sleep?"

With a sigh, Keith nodded. Lance smiled warmly and kissed his forehead as he let out a long breath, relaxing back into the covers.

"We still got five and a half varga to sleep. Come on.. Get sleepin'." Lance said in the middle of a yawn.

Keith looked up at Lance, about to speak but decided against it and lowered his head. Lance noticed this and let out a sigh as he sat up, crossing one leg under the other. He rubbed his eyes.

"Ok.. What is it?"

Keith looked up at Lance about to protest that he was fine, but Lance frowned, knowing that look all too well. Keith let out a puff of air and sat up too, crossing his legs as he did so.

"Its just... The plan-" he whispered. "It has so many holes and so much precision that could get someone killed." He shot a glance at Lance.

"True." Lance ran a hand through his hair. "It is risky. Someone could get hurt." Keith looked down, not feeling any better by this answer. "But its a risk I am willing to take if it means an end to Zarkons rain."

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