Chapter 11

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They locked eyes for a brief moment, before Keith sat up and groaned slightly.

"Wha-" Keith's voice cut off as he noticed the bars and restraints.
"Wait- what's going on-?!" He panicked and started pulling slighlty on the restraints.

"Hey- Keith- calm down-"

He stood and backed up from the bed. His body shook as he tried to comprehend what had just happened. Keith drew in sharp breaths as he fell to his knees, maybe from the dizzy feeling, or the shock. This made panick rise in Lance as he opened the door and ran in, sliding to his knees, stopping near Keith.

"Keith- look at me-" Lance was now panicked as he looked down at his shaking and shivering friend.

Keith closed his eyes and shook his head, as though shaking it hard enough would relinquish the fog that covered his head and mind. Looking up at Lance he let out a Breath he had unknowingly held during his panick

"What happened.." he repeated, keeping his eyes fixed on Lance's bright blue orbs, they seemed so soothing to him, like he could just sink right into them.

"You attacked the others.." he said quietly. "You came in and refused to let them touch me. They said you acted like-" the words caught in his throat. "A wild animal."

He could feel Keith flinch from hearing that word. Keith looked down, wide eyed. Glancing at his cuffs holding his hands tightly together, for some reason, anger began boiling inside him. Lance could hear the growling.

"So they tie me up-" he snapped. "Lock the door and throw away the key!"

Lance shook his head almost frantically. "No no no- they.. they didn't know what else to do. They couldn't help either of us with you like that."

Keith whipped his head twords Lance and growled at him, Lance flinched back. Keith stopped growling, his ears lowering and eyes softening slightly.

"Your scared of me." He said bluntly, more like a statement than a question.

Lance didn't have the words. He was, really. Keith did almost kill him, the image still stuck in Lance's head, the feeling of those claws wrapped around his neck was still there as pain shot down from his neck to the rest of his spine. Keith began growling as he stood. Lance stood too backing up slightly.

"Your scared of me-" he stated again with more anger in his voice. When Lance said nothing Keith snapped. "Answer me Goddamnit!"

Lance resisted the urge to turn and run, instead he just took another step back. This was when Lance saw the humanity slip from Keith's eyes as they narrowed at him. His shoulders scrunched down as he lowered back to the crouching position he was in. With a hard yank of his hands, the cuffs nearly exploded as they fell to pieces on the floor. Lance gasped and back up out of the cell. He went for the button to shut the door, but Keith jumps out before it shuts.

Yellow orbs stared up at Lance, Anger boiling in his eyes as he inched closer to Lance, teeth barred and claws sharp. Suddenly, the door opened and in walked... everyone. Great. Keith jumped from the noise and turned to face them instead. His whole demeanor changed again from a wild wolf, to a protective mother bear. He inched back twords Lance, as if trying to.. protect him.

Shiro was first to notice as he activated his Lazer arm and stuck his other out infront of everyone.

"Get back!" He ordered.

Coran did so, walking to the back. Pidge and Hunk opened their bayard, ready for an attack as Allura peaked over the crowd. Worry, disgust, and anger flushed in her eyes.

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