Chapter 18

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Lance falls out of the tube and into Hank's arms. Hunk smiled. "Lance- I'm so happy your ok-" lance was picked up in a giant hug that nearly squeezed all the air out of him.

"You had us worried sick." Allura said, walking up to him and placinf a hand on his shoulder, giving him a small smile.

Wait... He's seem this before. When? Why is this all so familiar?

"You feeling better?" Shiro stepped in with a smile.

Lance turned to Shiro raising an eyebrow. 'Where have I herd this before?'

"Your probably hungry-" pidge jumped in and threw a blanket over his white and grey body suit.

Lance noticed coran standing in the back with a warm smile. 'Wait.. My dream-'  "Hey guys.. I'm fine I'm.. I'm fine. Just a bit woozy."

"Ah, don't worry. That feeling will go away soon enough." Coran said with a bright smile steping forwards. He glanced at everyone, seeing them smile, then noticed Keith wasn't there. 'Oh no... No no no no no... Please no-'

But there was one difference. His jacket. Pidge put a blanket on him, not his jacket. He glanced around, not seeing it. He let out a deep sigh. He was probably just having some extremely weird Déja Vu. "Hey, where's Keith?"

Everything got silent. A deep sadness spread over the team. Was this really Déja vu?

"Hes ok Lance.. We got him in a healing pod. He popped out not long before you." Shiro said walking up to him. "Lets get you some food and then we'll talk."

Lance Glanced at everyone. They all smiled, but he could see the sadness and worry. "Wheres Keith.." Lance repeated. "I want to see him-"

Shiro sighed, about to protest, but Allura placed a hand on shiros shoulder. "It couldn't hurt." She said. Shiro smiled softly and nodded.

"Hes in the bridge." Lance smiled and nodded, holding the blanket closer to himself. He turned and lightly jogged away.

Pidge leaned over to Hunk and whispered. "Someones in love~" she teased.

Allura looked at pidge and raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

Her and hunk laughed. Shiro rolled his eyes and put a hand on her shoulder. "Come on. We'll explain."

"Keith? Keith!" Lance called as he ran into the controller room. It was so quiet and empty. He walked up to the front of the room and looked out the large window at the stars.

He smiled lightly. The stars always reminded him of his home back on earth. It made him smile yes, but it also saddened him, knowing how far away from earth they really are.

He sighed and turned around. It was then that he saw Keith, sitting in Lances pilot chair. Lance held in a small chuckle. Keith was sitting with his feet up on the chair and knees pulled to his chest. His arms were crossed over the top of his knees and his head rested on top.

Lance then noticed his Jacket was layed over Keith. The hood was up, laying over his head, covering his purple tinted hair. He was still in his own body suit from the pod. He looked asleep.

Lance sighed with a smile. He walked over to the front of Keith and squated down so he would be at eye level. He lifted the hood off his head.

"Hey, keith." Lance poked his head.

Keith growled slightly and lifted his head. His yellow eyes slowly opened. Lance smiled and waved. Keith flinched back as one of his feet slipped off the chair and he nearly fell forwards off the chair, but hit his head on his other knee.

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