Chapter 7

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Lance's eyes Jumped open as he shot up to a sitting position. His breathing was fast and his body had a slight tremble to it. His eyes darted around the small cave till they Landed on Keith. He let out a loud sigh of relief and leaned up against the wall behind him. He looked back down at his leg and groaned, he's not gonna be walking for a while.

Lance caught another glance at Keith and widened his eyes. One moment he was sleeping peacefully, than the next he's panting with sweat dripping down his face and mumbling deliriously. Lance knew he was sick, but this was bad. He shook him slightly.

"Hey, Keith. Wake up." He whispered.

Keith groaned and seemed to be in some sort of struggle. His body started jerking around like he was trying to get out of the grasp of an enemy.

"H-hey Keith. Keith, wake up!" He shouted and grabbed his shoulder trying to hold him still.
Yellow eyes shot open, and with a deep growl, pounced at Lance, a blade now to his neck. Keith barred his teeth down, growling. Lance gasped, unable to find time to scream in Keith's swift movements. Lance could hear his own heart beat in his ears. Yet he didn't only fear for his life, he feared for Keith. His dear friend who was hurt.. hurt and broken.. he wanted to help. But there ain't much to do if he's ontop of you about to slice open your throat.

"K-Keith.. buddy, its me.. calm down... I'm not going to hurt you-" Lance Tried to keep his voice steady and calm.

Soon enough, life returned back to Keith's eyes as their own natural shade came back. His snarl dropped to a face off pure horror of realizing what he just did. His hand shook as he dropped the blade and backed off of Lance, still shaking. Lance sat up slowly and looked at Keith's shaking form.


He looked at Keith's face. His eyes where wide, looking down at the ground, tears streamed down his face. He brought a hand to his mouth as quiet sobs escaped. He bend his head down, not seeing Lance scoot closer to pull Keith into a tight embrace.

"I-Im so-... so s-sorry.." he choked out.

Lance sighed slightly and rubbed circles on his back. What happened? And his eyes... they looked like those of a galra. Could he be... no. That's impossible! He couldn't be changing to his galran form. Hes still human though, right? Lance didn't even notice Keith falling back to sleep, tears staining his face. Lance sighed and brushed some hair away from his face.

"Sleep well..." he whispered before closing his own eyes, and drifting off to sleep.


"Shiro! Shiro!" Pidge screamed as she ran down the halls of the ship. "Shiro!" She repeated. Her running was cut short as she hit something and was flung backwards. "Ow-" she groaned and sat up. Shiro was standing there, concern lining his face.

"Pidge! sorry. I didn't see you there." He helped her up. "What's the rush-"

"Shiro! I got 'em! I got a trace on Red!" She cut him off, winded still.

Shiro's whole attitude changed. "Come on! To the bridge." Shiro and pidge ran.

(I'm sorry I'm being so damn lazy with this part...)


Keith woke up about 30 minutes later. He was placed on the ground near the fire. Keith sat up slowly, still in some pain, and looked around. Lance was on the other side of the fire, cooking some fish. Keith seems confused.

"You fish?" This seemed to startle Lance as he nearly dropped it in the fire.

"Hey! I could've dropped that! Don't scare me like that!" He frowned. Keith just rold his eyes.

Keith pushed himself to a better sitting position as a pain shot up his ribs, he grunted in pain. Lance looked up, suddenly very alert. Keith looked down, refusing to look at Lance. Lance just sighed quietly and continued cooking the fish. They sat in silence for a while, before Keith spoke up.

"So? You never answered my question." Lance looked up in slight confusment. "So you fish?" He asked again.

Lance looked back at the fish. "My Abuelo taught me when I was a kid." Keith looked up at him. "We'd go out to a little lake by my house all the time and catch fish. But because of how small the lake was, we always put the fish back. We never kept them. If we did the lake would be empty..." lance paused.

Keith looked back down. His eyes a bit softer. Lance really missed his family, more than anyone could understand. He was always used to a crowded house, and people everywhere you turn. It was so weird when he left. It was too quiet, and he felt more alone. Lance sighed at the thought of never seeing them again. It would crush him more than Zarkon ever could.

"Its weird actually killing the fish." Lance finally finished.

Keith felt kind of bad for Lance. No, he did feel bad. He didn't know that his family had such a big impact. Keith never had a family, I guess he was just used to being alone.

"How did you even catch the fish with that leg?"

"I'll keep that one a secret." He smirked.

Keith's natural frown returned as he scoffed. Lance couldn't help but giggle a little. Minutes later, the fish were done. He gave one to Keith and kept one for himself. They are in silence. At least, it was silent, Until they herd a roar of a ship. Lance's head shot up.

"They're here!" Lance smiled.

Keith frowned slightly, "wait! We don't know who it is-" lance gained a small smile from this.

Keith pushed himself up to stand and slowly walked to the outside of the cave. He peaked out and gasped.

"Quisnak..." Galra.

Keith pulled out his bayard and walked back to Lance, crouching down.

"Its a galra ship." He whispered.

"What do we do? Lance panicked slightly.

Keith looked down. They had 2 options. 1, hide and hope they don't find them, or 2, fight them head on. Though Keith knew he was too weak, and Lance was too hurt. Keith growled slightly.

"We need to find Red-" Keith knew he was the only of the two who could find him, though he hasn't been able to sense his presence since the crash.

"How are we going to do that with a dozen Galra soldiers roaming the area-"

"We are out of time Lance!" He snapped. "We need to get out of this cave before were found and cornered-" as if on cue, three Galran soldiers appeared at the mouth of the cave with their guns up and pointing at them.

Keith growled and stood in front of Lance with his sword open and shield up. Lance looked up at him and couldn't help but blush at his act of protectiveness towards him. Keith ran at the Galra at full speed. Lance gasped, knowing he couldn't win at his state.

Keith swung his sword up at one of them but was blocked with ease, as a blast from a gun shot at him just barely missing his head. He dodged another, but was kneed in the gut.

Lance watched from a distance, jaw dropped. He saw as Keith slowly began to weaken, and his movements slowed. He reached for his bayard and pulled out his blaster (Gun thingy) and aimed, but they were moving too fast. Though he knew he had to shoot, or Keith would die. Lance shook. He tried settling his arm.

Keith was thrown to the ground as Lance gasped and shot out of fear... forgetting to properly aim...


I'm too lazy to check spelling... I apologize... but Its late... I'm sick... I'm tired... and I need sleep...

So like always, thank you for reading and I'm glad so many of you have enjoyed this.

I'd also like to start asking for some constructive criticism.
Constructive, meaning: please be nice 😢

And I'll still take story ideas any time.

Until Next Time!

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