Chapter 17

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Keiths eyes cracked open. The world was spinning, though its not like there was much to see. The floor was cold and hard against his cheek. The air stung his nose and throat, though sweat dripped down his brow. His breathing was fast and uneven as he focused his eyes on one thing as it slowly cleared up. It was then that he saw it.

It was a galran cell.

He gasped and sat up. Pain surged through his body. Though not just any pain. He knew this pain. Hes felt it before. The want, The need, To kill. He laid his head back on the floor and closed his eyes, gritting his teeth.

He couldn't give in. He couldn't risk hurting someone else again. He couldn't let that happen. Not again. It killed him. Knowing he hurt Lance.

Lance. Hes dead. He can't still be alive. Not after that. Tears weld up in his eyes as they slowly ran down his cheek.

"Lance-" he whispered.

There was no logic to his actions maybe because he hoped that his calls would bring him back. Maybe it was just the pain getting to his head. He wasn't sure. All he knew was that he wanted- no, needed Lance.

"Lance-!" He began shouting.

No one knows how long he was shouting. Maybe minutes. Maybe hours. Though it felt like days.

Finally, his body gave in. He couldn't scream anymore. His whole body was shaking and his throat felt raw. He couldn't fight this feeling anymore. Then, he herd something. A noise. He pushed himself off the floor slightly and looked twords the door

It was a scream. A shout. A call for help. Someone yelling in pain.


This sent Keith to his feet as he began pounding on the door. Lance was alive! He wasnt dead! But now hes in pain. In pain because of him. At least thats what he thought.

"Lance! Lance-! Please!" Keith pounded on the door.

His blood boiled as he herd the scream again. And again. And again. His breath hitched as the feeling became unbearable. He slid down to the floor and curled in on himself.

"No no no no no-.." He repeated. Over and over. Reminding himself that he couldn't give in. No matter what happened.


Back at the castle, everyone was working hard to get the castle back up and running. Pidge tried her best to locate the galra ship that had taken Lance and Keith. She replayed the security video feed over and over again. Trying to find a clue or something. She couldn't let this happen again.

"Any luck, coran?" She turned to face him and hunk working on the engines.

"No good. We're still trying to find our way around the virus programming."

Pidge frowned and looked over at Shiro and Allura. They looked like they were arguing.

"We cant risk it!" Allura shouted. Everything went quiet.

"They have two of our paladins! Two of our friends- if not for us, do it for the universe!" Shiro scolded. Allura let out a heavy sigh and walked out of the room.

Coran stood and turned to face her. "Princess? Where are you off to?"

"Meditating-" she snapped.

Coran looked at Shiro as he sighed and turned to face the front view.

Hunk walked over to pidge and put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. We'll get them back." Pidge looked up to him and smiled lightly before looking back at the video feed.

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