Chapter 3

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Lance walks out of his room, yawning. He didn't sleep much the night before. He was still wondering what had happened to make Keith so... scared. He's never seen Keith act like that. It was almost unnerving. He Already knew that Keith was half Galra, everyone did. And Keith had seemed to accept that. But why so suddenly scared about it? Lance shrugged it off and walked to the kitchen. It was surprisingly empty. Weird, everyone must still be asleep.

Lance ended up just wondering around, eventually ending up outside of Keith's room. He paused and looked at the door. With a deep sigh, he knocked. No answer. He opened the door and looked inside. Keith was in his bed, sleeping. Lance smiled, happy to see his friend so peaceful. He found himself walking into the room as the door shut behind him. He just stood by the doorway, knowing he couldn't go inside without a suit. He didn't want to get sick.

He ended up just staring. An hour or so had passed. Finally, he turned to leave, but hears foot steps. He didn't want to be judged for the fact he was in here. So he hid, and just in time. Allura walked in with her suit and helmet on. She had a small box of something. Probably for Keith. She walked over and put a damp cloth on his forehead. Allura took out this small device. No bigger than a pen. She put it up against his wrist. It beeped within a couple seconds. She looks at it.

"Quiznak..." she cursed under her breath. She stood and walked out.

Lance saw her walk out and stood from his hiding spot. He let out a sigh and caught one last glance at Keith before walking out.


Lance walked to the kitchen and sat down. Hunk and pidge were already there chatting.

"Oh, hey Lance!" Pidge chirped.

"Hey.." lance replied with a sigh, tired from not sleeping.

Hunk noticed this and turned around. He grabed a plate that held 3 pancakes placed in a neat stack with an egg and 2 pieces of bacon placed next to it on either side. He places it infront of Lance.

"Here you go. Eat up!" Hunk smiled.

Lance took it with a smile. He took a couple of bites, it was delicious. He shoved the rest in his mouth and down his throat.

"Hey, so... what exactly happened last night?" Pidge turned to Lance who was poking at his eggs.

"Bad dream I'm guessing He kept telling me that he wasn't Galra, how he couldn't go back, and they were coming..." Lances thoughts trailed off. Noticing he did this, he looked back at pidge, than his food. "Probably this sickness or something. Don't high fevers cause hallucinations?"

"Well, sometimes. It really depends on how high it is." Hunk chimed in.

Lance looked back at his eggs and stared for a second, before eating them. His thoughts trailed again. He's known for a while that he was part galra, and Keith was fine with it. Was all of Lance's Jokes finally getting to Keith? Lance shook it off. He didn't want to over think it, it was just a stupid dream, right?

Why do I even care in the first place? We are rivals, aren't we? Yea, he's like a brother I guess, but... no, this is stupid. He's just sick. That's it.

Lance was jumped out of his trance when Allura spoke over the intercom.

"Paladins to the bridge, fast!" Allura sounded worried.

They all got up and ran to the bridge, Lance still thinking about Keith.


Ack! I cannot believe it took me so long... and sorry for the short chapter. I've just been so busy, and my ideas are starting to scramble around in my head. So yea. Here it is.

I could really use some advice on how to fill in some space in between my ideas. That would be really helpful!
Comment any Ideas!
Until next time!

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