Chapter 12

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Keith looked around at the many eyes on him. He ran a hand through his hair as it hit his ears. His eyes widened. "Oh my god-.." he placed a hand over his mouth and let in shaky breaths. All the events in the past couple days washed over him. Though many gaps fill his mind. The last thing he remembered was yelling at Lance about.. about something. A vague image of attacking Shiro rushed through his mind.

"What.. happened?" He placed his hand on the couch next to him.

Everything got quite.

"We're.. still trying to figure that out ourself." Shiro said, now being able to, he sat on the other side of Keith and placed a hand on his shoulder. "We'll figure it out." He smiled reassuringly.

Relief washed over Keith as he saw none of his fellow paladins seemed too concerned. Only worry and sadness, yet joy that he was back. His gaze fell on Allura at the corner of the room. They locked eyes for a moment before she turned and walked away. His ears flattened slightly as he looked down.

"I was hoping to do some tests on your blood to see if I can come up with a solution." Pidge chimed in. Keith's ears perked. "My theory now is that the syrum Haggar gave you somehow mutated your DNA to appeal more to the Galra in your blood. If I can figure out how she was able to do that maybe I can find a way to reverse it and-" pidge paused, seeing Keith's expression.

Not only did he look lost, but scared. He was obviously scard from the event that took place, and even mentioning Haggar sent chills down his spine. Glancing at Lance, you could also see the discomfort. Suddendly, Keith's stomach made a loud gurgle. God.. he hasn't eaten in a while.

"Food first.." Keith managed to say with a nervous chuckle, ears lowering slightly.

Lance seemed to brighten up a bit. "Yup! You must be hungry. You refused to eat like that." He crossed his arms.

"Like.. what?" Keith asked confused, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, ya' know.. rawr rawr...? hiss hiss...?" Hunk made little claws with his hands and pretended to slash at something. Though the message wasn't getting through to Keith.

"You honestly reminded me of a cat." Pidge stated.

"A cat?" Keith, still confused, tilted his head to the side. Lance blushed, and turned away trying to hide it.

"Yea. Walking on all fours, getting up in everyone's business, you wouldn't get off of Lance and would try and bite anyone that got near either of you, you even started purring! Then of course the refusing to ea-"

"I what?!" His ears flattened, eyes wide. He.. purred?!

"Yea man! Just scratch behind the ears and you passed out." Hunk added with a big smile.

Keith redned and he crossed his arms. Shiro just sat there, watching it all go down. "Alright guys. You should get something to eat Keith, then we'll talk a bit."

Keith nodded and sighed before standing to leave, but every. Bone. In. His. Body. Hurt. And every. Single. Muscle. ACHED. Right as he got to his feet, he began tumbling to the floor, though a hand wrapped around his torso and pulled him back up. Lance.

"Careful! They couldn't get you into a healing pod. Nothing's healed.." his voice was soft. This put Keith at ease. It didn't stop the pain, but the thoughts racing through his head stilled.

Everyone had stood when Keith started falling. Shiro let out a small sigh. "Lance, can you help him get some food?" When Lance nodded, shiro added, "come get me when your done." He smiled and walked over to Hunk and Pidge, saying something, before they shot a glance at Keith, and walked out.

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