AN: Ending

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As I preveously stated, this book is coming to an end simply because I no longer have any flowing ideas on how to enlarge this books plot any further. I do, though have Ideas. But if these Ideas were to be added, it would change the intire plot of the book.

Therefore I have decided to make a sequel. When I said that I'm trying to end the book, a couple of you said you wanted me to keep going. So for the sake of the plot and you guys, I will be ending this book and creating a continuation in the second.

I apologize to those of you who may not be happy with this decision, but its for the best that it is to happen this way. Remember, I'm not ending the story, just the first book. And I do feel like the second book will have a lot more opportunities now that the 'set up' is complete.

I will be posting one last chapter to wrap up this book, then I will begin working on the next. I'm hoping to post the last chapter by the beginning of next week, but life is busy.

'Extra' chapter opportunities may still be transfered to the next book. I'm still deciding the details. Comment any questions or conserns you may have.

Until Next Time!

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