Chapter 2

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"Form Voltron!"

The Lions all come together...

Keith stares ahead of him, objects merge in his vision. His heart rate begins to increase. Closing his eyes, he consintrates on his breathing. The words 'form voltron' echo in his head, making his ears ring. More sweat drips down his head. It becomes hard to breath. It felt like his armor was suffocating him. More words are shouted through the com, none of them made sense in his head. Everything began hurtting. What was this? What was happening to him?

"Keith! Answer me!" Shiro yells.

"Guys! The red lions not moving!"

"We can all see that, Hunk!" Lance yells back.

"We're getting hammered here! We need voltron! And we can't form Voltron without him!" Pidge says.

The red lion was just floating idal by where the wormhole just shot them out. All the other lions where leading the ships away so Keith wouldn't get hurt. Lance turned on his visual communication with Keith.

"Keith? Guys, I don't see him!" Lance thought for a second. "I'm going in!"

"Lance, be careful!" Shiro said as he continues fighting them off.

Lance brings Blue close to Red and exits into space. He looks back at the fight, than Red. He enters through the mouth. Gravity turns on as he walks up to the cockpit. When he enters, he gasped and ran over to the chair. Keith was on the floor on his side. Lance goes to his knees and rolls him on his back.

"Keith? Keith buddy!" Lance takes Keith's helmet off. He was unconscious and seemed to be bearly breathing. His face was red and he was covered in sweat. "Keith's down!" Lance yells in worry.

"Down? What do you mean by down!" Pidge says.

"He's unconscious. He must be sick or something. He's burning up bad. We need to get him back to the castle! I don't think he can breath!" Lance gets worried, looking down at his friend.

Realization hit Hunk. "Come to think of it, he didn't look all that great this morning."

"Yea... He didnt..." lance said.

Shiro growled, "Pidge! Signal Coran and Allura! Without Voltron we are defenceless!" Shiro gripped at his controls. He knew that if they where to leave, they'd be dooming the planet. But he had to.

Lance puts Keith's space helmet on and brings him into the blue lion, strapping him down. He than makes blue grab red as a wormhole appeared. They all fly through, regrettingly.


Lance paced back and forth in front of a door. Hunk sat against a wall, dreaming about food or something. Pidge was on the floor with hunk staring at a wall. Shiro was leaning against a wall with his eyes closed.

"Ugh! What's taking so long! It's been over an hour!" Lance shouts. This woke hunk up.

"C'mon Man, sit down. Your just gonna worry yourself even more." Hunk said with a yawn.

"Your beginning to make ME nervous" pidge says as she begins bouncing her leg up and down.

Lance huffed and sat down, crossing his arms. He didn't like it. It's already been over an hour sinse Keith was brought in there with Allura and Coran. What worried him even more was the fact that he thought he herd a scream about 30 minutes ago. A scream from Keith. Than another one Not 10 minutes ago. Everyone kept telling him he was just being a worry wort and imagining the screams, but lance thought otherwise.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the door slides open as Allura and Coran walk out.

"How's Keith? Is he ok?" Lance says in a quickened tone.

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