Chapter 6

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Where... where am I...

So... dark...



Night was approaching. Darkness covered the land as far as the eye could see. Only small ray's of light shone through the thick brush and trees.

Indigo eyes opened ever so slightly, glancing around at the surroundings. Keith blinked and groaned slightly. His body was aching and his joints hurt. He slowly sat up and held his head. He winced when his hand touched a curtain spot. He looked at his hand and saw blood. Must have hit his head, his helmet was missing after all. Keith noticed he didn't feel like throwing up anymore, he probably already did some time between falling and hitting the floor.

Realization struck him. Lance wasn't with him. Keith stood up in a fright but quickly realized how futile it was when he had to bite his lip to keep from crying out. Sharp pain lanced through his head and colorful spots flashed in front of his eyes, it felt like his whole body had been beaten and every movement caused some muscle or bone to ache. Kieth slumped back down to his knees as a wave of sickness and dizziness washed over him. Not caring, he allowed himself to puke this time. He choked in breaths in between his vomit. It stung his throat, all that was coming out was stomach acid, there was no food in him from throwing up last. Keith sat still for what felt like hours before standing again, using a nearby tree. It burned his muscles to stand again. He gritted his teeth as he held the tree for dear life so he wouldn't topple over.

Rain had been falling for quite some time now, it soaked his hair and sent shivers up and down his body. The rain got heavier as he gave up and let himself fall. If it weren't for the dizziness filling his head he would have screamed from the impact of the floor.

His throat still stung, so he leaned forward slowly as to not cause any more unnecessary pain. He leaned out of the cover from the tree and cupped his hands. A small pool of water formed as he drank it slowly, it helped a little with the burn in his throat. Not much but a little. He leaned back and curled himself close as he could without crushing his chest even more. Keith sat there for a while just shivering and shaking.

Keith had just began to doze off as a loud, pain-filled scream was herd. Keith jumped slightly, causing a shooting pain to jump up his spine and through his ribs. It burned more than hes felt in a long time. He held in the pain. That had to be Lance, he kept thinking. He slowly was able to get to his feet after many grunts, growls, and groans from the pain, and hobbled over to the sound. When he reached it, he gasped. He saw lance laying in the mud, barely conscious.

"L-Lance!" Keith yelled slightly.

His foot slipped and he fell, tumbling down that small slope, covered in mud now. He groaned at the pain in his body as it pulsed up and down. Keith layed there for a second with his eyes closed. He finally opened them and was face to face with a very unconscious Lance. He gasped again and sat up. He struggled to role Lance on his back, fearing hed crack another of his own ribs. When he did, he checked for a pulse. He sighed in relief when he felt it, but froze when he saw the gash in his leg.

"Oh Fu-" thunder struck, Keith flinched.

He had to move Lance somewhere and wrap his leg. With all the strength he had left, he heaved himself and Lance up. Everything burned. His body and joints were on fire, but he was determined to save his friend. Keith basically dragging him along as they slowly... very slowly made progress.


"Emperor Zarkon, we have located the red paladin."

Zarkon was silent as he stood motionless by a window, staring out into space. A slight grin spread across his face. His eyes narrowed.

"Is the boy alone?" He asked. Poison lining his voice.

The galra soldier studdered. "N..No. we have reason to believe the blue paladin is with him."

Zarkons grin widened. Who knew that were even possible. "Bring them to me, Alive!"

Zarkon put a strong emphasis on 'Alive'. The Galra soldier shuddered at the sound of him. Everyone on the ship feared him. They acted as though if they stepped on the wrong part of the floor that Zarkon would torture them for the rest of their existence. And really, they arnt wrong.


Keith's legs threatened to give out. Hot pain surged up and down his body with no remorse. All he felt was pain. All he saw were dots floating in his vision. All he knew was agony. Agony and that his friend needed help.

Finally, hours later. He saw a cave. After more pain and struggle, he finally inched his way into the dry cave. After setting Lance down, his legs buckled underneath him and he fell with a hard thud. He bit his lip to keep in screams.

After a few minutes, Keith sat up. The cold had numbed a lot of his pain by now, though it was still there. Keith grabbed Lance's Bayard and shot T the floor. Sparks flew, and the ground became hot. Twigs and dry leafs sat there a d they fought fire. It was small, but it was a fire. The warmth from that small fire was the most amazing feeling in the world to him, but he couldn't enjoy it. Not yet.

Keith reached into a little pouch implanted in his suit. It held a small role of bandage and a couple other things. He took out the bandage and set it down. He looked at Lance's leg and groaned, he'd have to take off his armor. After minutes and minutes of struggle, his armor was off. Keith got back to his leg and wrapped it best he could with what he and Lance had in their pouch.

After he finished, he slumped against the wall, out of breath and sweating. Pain was coming back in surges, and he just knew that he was going to be sore as hell the next morning. He groaned at this as he slowly took off his own armor. It was bent at weird places and stabbed him, so it was a relief to get off, but got a lot colder. Keith curled into a ball and shivered. He closed his eyes, but snapped them open when he herd a groan.

"K... k-keith..." he struggled to get out. Lance was pale from blood loss and could barely speak.

Keith looked at him, he couldn't say anything. For unknown reasons.. he froze.. and just stared. Until Lance passed out again and nearly hit his head on the rock. Keith gasped and caught his upper body, slowly laying him down on his lap. This was when Keith realized just how warm Lance really was. His cheeks roses up and became hot. A small smile slipped from the corner of his mouth as he closed his eyes. His body relaxed a bit and he let his head lean on the rock behind him. He was put at ease, feeling Lance's breath, feeling his body slowly move with every breath he took. Slowly but surely, Keith was out.

The fire burned out while they where asleep. This made Keith shiver, so he pulled Lance closer to keep warm, and smiled a bit more, as even a small smile spread across Lance's face.

Well! Its midnight again... so... yea...



All probably horrible.

Anyways- I'll still take suggestions for this story any time! And thank you to all who helped kickstart my brain. Keep it up and I'll have more good ideas like this on a daily basis. 😉

Untill next time!

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