Chapter 5

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As fast as the ship was there, it was gone. By the time everyone could process what had happened, the ship had already left and the red lion was no longer in sight. It was silent. So quiet, you could hear the movements of the planets. So quiet that if you tried, you'd hear an exploding star a million miles away.

The silence was broken when hunk dropped to his knees. He stared into the depths of space. "Where'd they go-"

Pidge just stared, she was in shock, she had no words. How was this possible? That lazer couldn't have disintegrated them... could it? Shiro walked closer to the front.

"Corran, check the scanners. Where is the red lion?"

Corran looked and looked. There was nothing. No sight of them. No sight of even scraps of debris from... anything. No body's, nothing.

"They're... gone..."


Lance jumped awake with a loud gasp. His eyes were blurred and his memorie fuzzed out. What happened? Galra, Keith, another ship, lazer- they were hit. Lance widened his eyes and stood up, adrenaline running through his body realizing he was in the middle of nowhere. He looked around frantically, no Keith, no red lion. He was alone. Lance's breathe sped up, Anxiety filled him to the brim. Keith was hurt, and lost. He felt suffocated and took off his helmet, falling back to his knees. Mud splashed slightly, hitting him on the cheek. He look at the mud and realized it was raining, and pretty hard too. He leaned back against a rock and let out a deep sigh, giving him time to breath before he started looking for keith.

He's alright, he told himself. I'll find him...

Lance finally decided to get up, but once he made it to his feet, he came crashing down with a thud. Hot pains shot up his leg and through his spine, sending shivers through his body. He rolled to his back and sat up, looking at the gash in his leg. His eyes widened as he looked away, the blood making him slightly queasy. He glanced at it once more. He had nothing to wrap it or clean it, or anything. It wasn't bleeding too bad, so Lance stood, slower this time, and continued walking with a heavy limp, and biting his tong so he wouldn't scream.


It's been about a day now. Shiro stayed in the control room with corran and Allura, working to trace them. Pidge was in her work area trying to find a way to track red, and Hunk was in the kitchen... stress cooking.

Hunk bent down to the oven to get the cookies. He took them out, but upon turning around to the counter.. there was no more room for cookies. Hunk let out a sigh as he threw a bunch on a plate and walked out of the room with it. He walked down to where Pidge stayed.

"Hey, cookie?" Hunk smiled.

Pidge paused d looked at him with a small smile. "Hey Hunk. How's the cooking going for you?"she turned back to her work.

Hunk blushed slightly. "I ran out of room on the counter... cookies?" He shoved them in Pidges face.

She giggled a little and took a couple. "Thanks Hunk." She turned back to her work again.

Hunk smiled. "Don't worry, I'm sure well find them soon." He said reassuringly as he walked out.

Pidge smiled until he left. Once he did her smile dropped to nothing. She looked at her work, than turned to something else on her desk. It was a picture of everyone. All the paladins. Everyone was smiling, even Keith. (A little cause he's my precious Emo child >^<) This made pidge smile. More determined, she pushed up her glasses, and turned to her work.


Lance collapsed in the mud. He had began losing more and more blood as he walked. He glanced at his leg, it wasn't looking good. He pulled himself up slowly, gritting his teeth to stay silent. Wait, he was alone, it didn't matter. He fell back to his knees and let out a scream of fear and pain. Tears soon came after. They flowed freely down his cheeks.

"God damn it Keith!! Where are you?!" He cursed at nothing. He pounded on the floor as he wept. He was panicking. Red was lost, he was bleeding out, and Keith was somewhere.. sick.. he could be dying.
Lance still wasn't sure why he was so worried all of a sudden. They are rivals after all. Right..?

Lance sat up and looked around. He caught sight of something that could be seen as a path. He gritted his teeth, and with a loud grunt, he got to his feet, and began walking. It was a slow process, but he was moving. Step... by step... by step... by step...

N-no! Can't- stop! Lance thought to himself N.. no... no...

The corners of his vision darkened as he fell once again. He struggled to crawl forwards, digging his hands into the dirt and pulling his body along. His hand slipped and he fell flat. He was out. No more energy. The last thing remembered of this was a voice... a voice... what did it say... too... foggy... too... to.. t...



Thank you so much for all your support on this! It makes me so happy that you enjoy my story.
I will still take suggestions on this story if you have any ideas.
Don't be afraid to share!

I'd also like to apologize for the length of this chapter, and any spelling/grammar mistakes I've made.
Its midnight...


I'm tired...


You can't blame me-

Untill next time!

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