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You awoke from the sound of a door closing downstairs. You look beside you, and Jungkook, your boyfriend, wasn't sleeping next to you anymore.

You look to the bedside table and find a note;

Goodmorning, babe! I had to go early to practice with the boys, but I'll be home by around 6. I heard the weather is going to be rough today, so maybe it would be best if you stayed home.

See you soon ;)

- kook

You smile to yourself after reading his cute little note. You get yourself up out of bed, then get ready for the day.

You wore a simple tshirt with some shorts, and tied your hair up into a ponytail. You went downstairs to get some breakfast.

After eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast, you sat on the couch and watched one of your favourite K Dramas, (favourite Korean Drama)

While watching the 6th episode, the doorbell rings. You pause the episode, and go to the door.

You open it to see your friend, Mark standing there. "Hey, Y/N!" he says, and you hug him. You missed him, even though you guys saw each other last week.

After you let him in, you both sit in the couch in your living room. "So, how've you been?" He asks. "Bored. Summer is boring, and Jungkook said that I shouldn't leave the house today." You lean back on the couch.

Mark looks at you, confused. "Why?"

"Something about the weather being rough. He went to practice with the boys." You explain, and he looks at you confused.

"The weather's fine. It's really nice outside." He goes over to look out the window, and pulls away the curtains. You follow him and look out the window.

"It's perfect outside! Why did he tell me to stay inside? There's nothing wrong with the weather." You complain, and Mark shrugs.

"There must be a reason. Maybe call him later and ask him about it." You nod in agreement with his idea.

You and Mark watch some Korean Dramas together until it was time for him to go home.

After he left, you pick up your phone to call Jungkook. He answers on the second ring.


"Yeah, it's me."

"Hey! Did you read my note?"

"Yea, but why can't I go outside? You said the weather was bad, but it's perfectly fine."

"For now it is, but it'll get worse."

"I think I should be fine, Kook. I wanna go out and get some coffee."

"That's a terrible idea."

"It's just coffee! Stop being so over dramatic."

"Y/n, I'm doing this for your safety. Please just listen to my advice."

"Whatever. I'll see you later."

You both hang up after saying your goodbyes, and you sit there for a bit, pondering on whether you should listen to your boyfriend's advice or not.

"I just want a coffee and a cinnamon bun." You groan, but decide to stay home anyways to avoid problems.

Meanwhile at the studio, Jungkook is fed up at the fact of you being so stubborn I'm not wanting to simply take his advice.

Earlier today, he heard the radio telling the forecast of the day. They said that there's going to be a tornado later today. It didn't say what exact time, and it was early when he heard this, so 'later today' could be anytime of the day.

He knows that you've had traumatizing experiences with tornados in the past, so the last thing he wanted was for you to get stuck in one. He thought it was safest for you to just stay home.

You were very upset with this situation, and he knows that, but he's just doing all of it to protect you.

You eventually fall asleep again on the couch, and when you wake up, you look at the clock to see how long you slept. 5:27.

You start making something random in the kitchen, since Jungkook wasn't back yet and you were bored.

You made a chocolate and bananna smoothie. You poured yourself some and left some for

You looked out the window, and your eyes widened at what you saw.

A cloud forming a tornado was heading in your direction. It was still far away, but it was heading right towards you.

"No, no, no, it can't be." You start to panic as you go into the living room and turn the tv on. A man with an emergency weather forecast popped up.

"We have a tornado coming our way, this is a tornado warning. Go into the lowest level of your house and take cover." He says.

Your body starts shaking and you start to get nervous. You've had traumatizing experiences with tornados in the past, and to go through one alone again is your worst nightmare.

You go into the basement and sit in the corner, holding your knees. You take out your phone to call Jungkook, but he didn't answer. Tears start pouring down your face. You were terrified.

Please, Kook, come quickly...

As if on cue, you hear the door upstairs close loudly. Thank God.

"Y/N!! Where are you!" You can hear him shouting, scared that something happened to you.

He comes downstairs into the basement and sees you huddled by yourself in the corner, tears pouring down your face. You hold your arms out to him. "Jungkook..."

"Y/n..." He rushes over to you and sits next to you. He pulls you into his embrace. "Are you ok?"
You nod, crying.

"Now you know why I said not to leave the house?" He asks, looking at you. You look up at him. "I know now. I'm sorry." Your voice breaks.

He pulls you closer to him and kisses your forehead. "Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong."

You rest your head on his shoulder and try to relax. You can hear the harsh wind blowing outside and you tense up. Jungkook rubs your shoulders.

"Don't be scared. I'm right here." He comforts you, and you feel a bit better. He talks to you about his day, and you talk to each other, kinda forgetting about the tornado.

When it starts passing by your house, the wind gets louder, reminding you of it's presence. You lean more onto Jungkook, and he hugs you tightly.

After about 1 hour being downstairs, the tornado is gone and it's safe to go back upstairs. You still stick close to him, since you were still a bit cautious.

You see a bunch of bags with food in it. "Is this for us?" You ask, and he nods, smiling. You both get the food and eat it on the couch while watching tv. You gave him some of the smoothie you made, and he loved it.

When it was about 9:57, you were tired and decided to get ready for bed. Jungkook followed you upstairs.

You changed into your pjs, then climbed in bed next to him. "Are you ok?" He asks, and you turn to look at him. "Yeah. Thanks for protecting me. Sorry for getting mad at you when you told me to stay." You look down.

He lifts your chin up with his two fingers and leans in before kissing you. It was sweet and passionate. You kiss him back and couldn't help but smile a little.

When he pulls away, he smiles at you. "Don't apologize. You didn't know." You smile. "I love you."

"I love you too."

You move closer to him and he wraps his arms around you. He pecks your lips. "Goodnight, babe."


Hey, guys. I hope you liked the first one. The second one will probably be better though😝


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