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The cold, harsh, snowy winds hit your face as you walked back home.

It was December 7, the time when it starts to snow and get cold. You forgot your jacket at home, some how, and the car was with Jungkook, your boyfriend, so you had to walk home in the cold, harsh winds.

It was hard, but you eventually got home. You looked down to take off your shoes, and look up to see Jungkook standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. He was wearing a black hoodie with some sweatpants. He has a stern look on his face, like he was upset with you.

"Why the hell are you walking home at 9 in the evening in the dead of winter without a coat?" By the sound of his voice, he did not sound happy at all.

"I forgot my coat." You simply say, a little scared. He sighs, rubbing his temples. "Y/N, how many times I have to remind you not to forget your coat? You can get sick."

"Why are you acting like my mother? I'll be fine." You say and brushed past him and into the kitchen. He follows you.

"I'm your boyfriend. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't worry about you, huh?" He slightly raises his voice.

"I'm (your age) years old, Jungkook, I can take care of myself." You were now getting ticked off with him and turn away from him.

He turns you back around. "Are you sure about that?! Because I can't even count how many times I've to remind you of the things that are most important!!!" He fully raises his voice, scaring you.

You've never seen this side of him, but you were sure that you didn't like it. He never ever yelled at you like that before, and it scared you when he did.

Tears started streaming down your face, and Jungkook's hard gaze softens once he sees your scared expression.

He immediately pulls you into his warm embrace, and your tears come out faster, wetting his shirt. He strokes your hair. "Baby~ sshh, don't cry, don't cry." He whispers softly.

He pulls away and cups your cheeks. "Y/n, I'm so sorry for yelling at you. I just get very annoyed and worried when you do things like that. It makes me feel like I'm a bad boyfriend, and it makes me feel like I can't take care of you." He wipes your tears away.

"No, Jungkook, your right. I do forget a lot and I really need to stop being so careless. I'm the one who should be sorry." You look down.

He lifts your head up with his fingers and looks into your eyes. "I only make a big deal out of these things because I love you. If I didn't love you so much, I wouldn't care." He say, in a soft and soothing voice.

He hugs you again. "Next time, just call me and I'll pick you up." He says, and you nod.

He pulls away slightly and pouts. "Y/n."

"What?" You look up at him.

"Kiss me." You chuckle at his request and he smiles. "Gladly." You respond, and lean in for a passionate kiss.

He immediately responds once your lips touch his. You can feel him smiling, and you started smiling as well.

"Change, then let's watch a movie and cuddle." He says once you pull away. You nod and head up to your shared bedroom to change.

Hi, fellow human beings. This one is really lame and short, but I hope you liked it!


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