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You stared at the shaking preganacy test in your hands.

It's positive.

You're pregnant.

Today was the perfect day to find out because it's your husband, Jungkook's birthday. He's always talked about wanting to be a dad, and this would be the perfect present for him.

The boys and you were also planning a surprise birthday party for him. You decided to tell him after the party, so you could have the moment to yourselves without 7 other people crowding you.

You go out of the bathroom and into your bedroom that connects with it. Jungkook is still sleeping on the bed.

You sit on the bed and peck his soft lips. "Happy birthday, kook." You say in his ear, and he stirs in the bed and falls back asleep in a different position.

You sigh. "Looks like we have to try harder to wake your dad up, do we?" You talk your stomach as if the baby could hear you already.

You lean on top of him and spread your body across his. "Jungkook! Wake up! It's your birthday!" You say in his ear. His eyes slightly open and you get off him.

He smiles at you. "Good morning." His deep and raspy morning voice still gives you goosebumps.

"Happy birthday! You say again, since he didn't hear you the first time. He smiles again and pecks your lips before thanking you and heading to the bathroom.

You sit on the bed and open your phone. You were already ready, since you woke up earlier, so you texted the boys and your best friend, b/f/n (best friend's name), to see if they were ready for the surprise.

Kook's surprise bday party

You: u guys done preparing yet?

Taehyung: no, not yet.

You: how much more time do u guys need??

Jin: maybe 10 minutes

Hoseok: no, more like
6 hours

You: thats too long!

B/f/n: we dont need that much time, hobi.

You: how much then? Im the one distracting him.

Jimin: maybe 4 and a half hours.

Yoongi: we'll be done decorating and cake deliveries and all that by about 3.

Namjoon: come at about 3:45.

You: ok.

"Babe, Let's go out for breakfast for my birthday, my treat." Jungkook says, coming out of the bathroom. You frown.

"No, I'll pay. Why would you treat me when it's your birthday? That's ridiculous." You grab your purse and head out of your bedroom, Jungkook following you.

"Whatever you say." Jungkook smiles as he goes down the stairs ahead of you. You just roll your eyes and follow him.


When you get to the resturant fir breakfast, you sit at a table inside, since it was kind of chilly outside, and the waiter comes.

You both order what you want, bit you get a little extra of what you normally eat, since you had to also feed the living thing inside you.

Jungkook looks at you, shocked. "You don't normally eat that much, will you be able to finish it?" You didn't want to spoil anything about the pregnancy, so you just nodded.

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