meet my 'girlfriend'

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"Hey, midget!" That deep, yet calming voice caused you to turn away from your friends and roll your eyes as you faced the owner of the voice.

"I told you to stop calling me that." You said in annoyance, and Jungkook scoffed. "As if I'd actually listen to you."

Your friends waved goodbye to you, and you walked over to him and glared at him. "What do you want coconut head?"

"I have a favour to ask from you."

"Why would I ever agree to doing you a favour?" You crossed your arms.

"Because you'll get something in return." He looks at you as if you were dumb, and you roll your eyes.

"What do you want?"

"I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend-"

"Nope, I'm leaving." You turned to walk away, but Jungkook grabbed your wrist and pulled you back.

"You didn't let me finish."

You crossed your arms, waiting for him to finish.

"I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend to make my ex jealous."

"And, why are we doing this again?"

"My ex, Mina, asked if we could meet up so I could meet her new boyfriend, and I told her that I had a new girlfriend as well, and so now Mina wants to meet her."

"Oooh, and this is a good idea why?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "C'mon, y/n. Please? You'll get something in return."

"Like what?"

"Whatever you want."

You hesitated before sighing and nodding. "Fine, I'll do it. But just this one time!"

Jungkook let out a sigh of relief and smiled before trapping you in his arms. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Get off me, ya weirdo!" You said before pushing him away.

"I'll pay you back, I promise." Jungkook said as he shook your hand.

"You better. Whatever I want, remember?"

He nodded before taking his backpack up from the floor. "See ya tomorrow, babe." He emphasized the last word as he smirked before walking away.

You sighed as you close your locker.

What the heck have I gotten myself into?


A horn coming from outside notified me that Jungkook arrived, and you got up from the couch and opened the door. "Bye, Mom!" you called out to her before leaving.

When you got in his car, he took one look at you and smirked. "You actually look nice for once."

You scoffed and hit his shoulder. "Whatever. Just drive."

He chuckles before driving out of the parking lot and down the street.

You look down at your outfit. You did dress up a bit, but not too much. You wore a light blue shirt sun dress with puffed sleeves, and put your hair in a braid. You didn't really wanna go all out for this, but decided to look nice anyways.

The car ride was filled with a comfortable silence before Jungkook decided to speak. "She's kinda annoying, so if she talks a lot, I'm sorry about that."

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