dance competition

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The song ended and both of you collapsed to the floor, trying to catch your breath after rehearsing that difficult dance for the umpteenth time tonight.

You and your best friend/dancing partner, Jeon Jungkook, were practicing for this dance competition coming up in two days. The grand prize was 10000$ and a trip to Hawaii, and both you and Jungkook wanted that prize. You practiced and practiced until that dance was built into your muscle memory.

"Let's take a break, please." Jungkook said, wheezing for air in between every word. You nod and slowly get up, getting your water bottle.

The choreography of the song that you and Jungkook were dancing to had a lot of skin ship, like he touched you a lot and you touch him sometimes. You both felt comfortable with it, and when you were actually doing it, it didn't matter to both of you. It just felt normal.

"The competition is tomorrow." Jungkook says, taking a drink of his water. You nod. "I know. I still can't get that one move right, though." You sigh.

There was this one move in the song where you do the helicopter dance with your hands, but inwards, and in one beat. You always get your hands tangled up, and it messes you up for the move after that, and it takes a couple of beats to get back into the dance.

Jungkook pats your shoulder and sends you a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. We an practice that move again if you'd like." You smile at him as a response.

After your break, you both practice the whole dance again, and you make sure you get that move right. You almost got it, but still got messed up. You just sighed and continued dancing.

When you finished, you can't help but let a tear roll down your cheeks. You felt bad that you couldn't get that one small move right, and you felt as if it would mess you and Jungkook up, messing up the chance of winning that grand prize.

You both sat up, because the last position of the dance you both were in the floor, and Jungkook saw you crying. "Y/N? Are you ok? What happened? Why are you crying?" He asks, voice full of concern.

You wipe your tears, but more fall again. "I can't get that one move right, and I'm afraid that I'll hold us back, and cause us to loose in the competition and not win that grand prize we were dreaming of. I'm sorry, Jungkook."

Jungkook suddenly pulls you into his embrace. You both were sweaty hot messes, but you didn't care. His hugs always made you feel better. You cry into his chest while hugging him back.

"Y/n, please. I hate seeing you cry, it makes me sad." He says softly with his soothing voice in your ear.

He pulls away slightly after a few minutes to look at you. "Hey, don't worry about it. It's just a tiny detail that we can fix later. And don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. We can go back and go over that move later on. Remember, we're in this together, and I'm not mad at you for messing up. Everyone makes mistakes. We can't help it, we're human. It's normal. Now, let's wipe those tears away, and get something to eat, hm?" He wipes your tears away with his thumb and smiles at you.

You smile back at him and hug him again, catching him off guard. "Thank you." You say, burying your face into his chest.

He chuckles while hugging you back. "You don't have to thank me, Y/N."

You smile. "Now let's get something to eat, I'm starving." You say, getting up off the floor. He laughs and agrees with you.

You both walk out of the dance studio and went to a fast food restaurant to get something to eat.

Next day at the competition

Your palms were sweating and your heart was beating fast. You were getting jittery in your seat as you were waiting for the couple before you to finish.

Jungkook sees you stressing and jittering, since he was sitting next to you, and holds your hand. He looks at you and smiles while squeezing it. "Don't worry, we got this." He whispers.

You smile back at him, weakly, and take a deep breath in. You practiced that specific move probably a thousand times at home after dinner until you got it right. You were hoping that you wouldn't mess up today.

You heard clapping, signalling that the dancers before you were done. You clapped nervously, knowing you were next.

"Jeon Jungkook and Y/F/N, please stand by." The announcer says, and you and Jungkook move to the stage and get into your starting positions.

"We got this." Jungkook whispers and smiles. You make a little fist with your hand, fist bumping him. The music started and you started dancing.

(Imagine that the guy is Jungkook and you are the girl. Stop the video at the time 1:17, unless you want to watch the rest that has nothing to do with the story.)

You finished the song on top of Jungkook, hugging him.

"You did it." He says, and you smile.

"I'm so proud of you." He whispers, and you smile at him. You get up off the floor and hold hands while bowing. You get a standing ovation from the crowd.

You and Jungkook smile at each other.


"The winners of the grand prize are...

Jeon Jungkook and Y/F/N!"

You both cheer loudly and hug each other tightly. You can feel something soft on your head, and they felt like lips.

Jungkook kissed your head.

The judges shake your hands and give you the check and the tickets to Hawaii. Everyone is cheering for you both.

Jungkook smiles at you and hugs you. "I knew you could do it."

You smile back him. "Well, it was all because of you."

Then he moves closer and....

He kisses you.


What do you do?

You kiss him back.

Hey guys! I hope you liked that one. It was fun to write because I got to look at dance vids on yt! anyways, I'll go now.


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