forbidden love

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Your father's hand flew across your cheek as a stinging sensation overcome it. You held your cheek.

"Didn't we tell you to stay away from that boy? Why did you disobey us?!" He asks angrily.

Your parents hate your boyfriend. You don't know why, he's a good guy. They don't want you to be with him. Same with his parents. Your relationship has been kept a secret from them, until your mother found a conversation on your phone where you said, 'I love you' to each other.

"Why should I, huh? Why?" You ask, now boiling mad. "Y/N, you've been very behind on your studies lately, and you never attend dinner because your always out with that boy!" Your mom exclaims.

"That boy has a name, mom. It's Jungkook." You say in annoyance. "Whatever! You have to break up with him, Y/N." Your dad stands next to your mom, who's nodding in agreement.

"No! Never!" You cross your arms, shaking your head.

"Y/N, dear, we're only doing this for your own good. Please obey us." Your mom says, calmly. You roll your eyes.

"My own good? Mom, don't you care about my happiness? I won't ever be happy if I break up with him. So, mark my words. I'm not leaving him, even if my life depends on it." You run out of the house after saying that.

You run and run until you get to the park. You sit on a park bench and think.

Will my parent disown me now? They probably won't ever want to see me again. But I really love Jungkook, and I don't want to leave him. But my parents probably hate me now. Did I make the right choice?

A familiar figure sits next to you on the park bench. You look up to see Jungkook looking up at the night sky. "Kook?" You touch his shoulder.

He looks down at you and smiles. He takes your hand in his. "Hey."

"Is everything ok?" You ask, ans he nods. "Yeah, I might have to find a new place to stay, though." He says, and your eyes go wide.

"Why? What happened?" He sighs. "My parents found out that I was dating you. I told them we broke up, but they found out it was a lie. They kicked me out."

You gasp hearing this. He got kicked out because of you. You thought you were just a burden to him. This made you feel really bad. You thought it was best if he just broke up with you.

Tears poured down your face as you started crying. You sobbed in your hands as Jungkook worriedly looks at you. "Baby, what's wrong?

"Jungkook, I'm just a burden to you. You got kicked out because of me. If you want to leave me, it's ok. If you don't love me anymore, it's fine. I'm sorry." You sob as you say this.

Jungkook pulls you into a big hug. He rubbed soothing circles around your back while comforting you. After a couple of minutes, he pulls away to look at you.

"First, you are not a burden to me, and I wasn't kicked out because of you, it was my parents who kicked me out. Second, I will never leave you. Never. Even if you tried your hardest to push me away, I will stay by your side forever. Lastly, I love you, I'll always love you, and I'll never stop loving you." He says with as much sincerity as he can.

You smiled at his little speech. He took both of your hands and kissed them. "We'll work this out. I promise."

We both get up and walk around the park until Jungkook gets an idea. "How about we buy our own house, and move in together?"

You were pretty hesitant about that idea. Your parents already hate Jungkook, and you moving in with him would make the situation worse.

"I don't know..." You hesitate. You really wanted to move in with him, it's just your parents will go balistic.

"Come on, y/n. Wouldn't it be nice to have our own house? No parents to worry about, we'll be free. Besides, we're adults, and we shouldn't be living with our parents anymore." He says, convincing you.

"Ok, but do we have the money to buy a house?" You ask. He smiles. "Don't worry, I'll take care of that."

"Ok, I'm in." You say, and he smiles and hugs you, spinning you around, causing you to giggle. He puts you down and leans in for a passionate kiss. You don't hesitate to kiss him back, and you feel him smiling in the kiss.

"I can't wait to move in with you." He leans his forehead on mine. You smile.

"Me too."

Hey, hoped you liked this one!


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