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You sat at the desk in the school library next to the librarian, helping her check in books. She handed you the book, and you scanned it with the scanner. It was silent as you both were doing this, but you liked it.

She suddenly got up. "Y/N, I'm going to the office downstairs to get something from the printer. Will you be ok here alone?" She asks, and you nod while smiling.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." She smiles and walks towards the door. "I'll be back in a bit." She says before leaving the library disappearing from your sight.

You continue to check out books alone before you hear someone come into the library.

You looked up to see you long time crush, Jeon Jungkook. He smiles at you as you smile back. His cute smile made your heart flutter.

You've always liked Jungkook, but sadly, he has a girlfriend. He wasn't into you like you were.

You were too lost in your thoughts that you didn't notice he was already standing in front of you.

"Can you show me where all the history books are? My teacher sent me to come get them since she needs a bunch of them for class." He says, and I nod and gesture for him to follow me.

He looks at the shelf of the history books. "Thanks." He sighs and starts picking up books from the shelves.

"No problem." You say and head back to the desk where you were working.

Suddenly, the speaker beeps, indicating that there was an important message. "There is an armed person in the building. This is a lockdown, this is not a drill. I repeat, this is a lock down, this is not a drill." You can hear the concern in her voice.

You quickly turn off the lights and close the windows before going to the back of the library and looking for Jungkook, who was standing there worried and scared. You grab his hand and pull him into the back. You go to the corner where nobody can see you.

You sit next to him, and he fact the you were so close to him made your heart flutter.

"Has there ever been a lockdown here before?" He suddenly asks, and you look at him. He's only been here for about two years, compared to you who's been at that school since kindergarten.

"Nope, this is a first." You say, and his eyes widen. "Seriously? This has never happened before?"

You nod. "No. Our school is not a huge target for criminals. I don't know why it's like that, though."

"At my old school, there was always a lockdown every two months or something, so I'm used to this kind of thing. Once, the person actually shot someone. He was a good friend of mine at the time."

"Really? Is he ok now?" You asked, a bit concerned. He nods and smiles a bit. "Yeah, he's fine. The shooter shot his leg so he's ok. He couldn't walk for about 5 months after the incident though."

You and Jungkook talk silently to each other while waiting for the lockdown to be over. You kept each other company, and you didn't feel awkward around him any more.

"I have an idea." He says suddenly, and you look at him with a questioning look. "What?"

"Let's play truth or truth, since we can't do dare in our current situation." He says, and you nod, agreeing with his plan.

"I'll ask first." He says, and you nod, preparing yourself for his question.

"Who do you like?" He asks, completely throwing you off guard. Well, that escalated quickly...

"Do I have to say it?" You ask, and he nods. "No chickening out. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

You sigh. "Well, he's cute, funny, super nice, very athletic and smart, good looking, and sitting right next to me."

You were kinda rushed with your words, but he could still hear you. "Wait, What? You like me?" He asks, smiling a bit.

You nod. "Yeah, but I know that you'll never like me back since you have a girlfriend already."

He shakes his head. "Nah, we broke up. She was a cheater."

You look at him. "Really?" He nods. "Your turn to ask."

You think a bit, and decided to ask a totally stupid question. "Who do you like?"

You mentally do a face palm as you remembered that he just a broke up with his girlfriend and obviously wouldn't have a crush yet.

"Uh, well-" you cut him off. "Wait, you don't have to answer that question of you don't want to. You probably don't have one yet."

He shakes his head. "Who says that I don't have a crush. I've moved in from Hana, she was too clingy anyways."

You let him continue. "Ok, go ahead then."

"Well, she's really pretty, and hot too. She's really nice, even if she can be pretty awkward sometimes, it's cute. She's smart, and kinda quiet, and also happens to be sitting next to me right now."

His last few words catch you off guard.  "You like me?"

He nods. "I've had a crush on you ever since I moved here, Y/N. I was going to confess to you, but Hana confessed to me first, and I didn't want to make her feel bad, so I accepted her confession. I've always liked you."

Before you could respond, the buzzer indicating that the lockdown was over went off, which startled you and caused you to jump into his arms. He laughed at you and patted your head.

You both got up out of the corner and you went to the front of the library to time off the lights, open the blinds, and open the door.

"Bye, Jungkook." You said as he was walking out the door.

He turned around and walked towards you before pulling your wrist, bringing you closer to him.

He suddenly smashed his lips on yours, kissing you sweetly and passionately. You reluctantly kiss him back as he wraps his arms around your waist, bringing you closer to him.

After a minute, he pulls away and smiles cheekily at you. You both are out of breath as you look at him with wide eyes.

"See you later, Y/N." He says before walking out the library and down the hall, leaving you dumbfounded.

The librarian quickly rushed in. "Y/N! Oh my goodness, are you ok?" She comes towards you, checking for any injuries or anything.

You snap out of your little trance. "Yeah, I'm ok." You reassuringly smile at her.

"Really? Then why is your face all red?" She asks, and you quickly realize you were still blushing before covering both your cheeks.

"Yeah, really, I'm fine. It's just a bit hot in here." You say, and the librarian offers to turn the heat down.

For the rest of the day, the thoughts of the kiss still lingered in you mind, causing you to smile every time you think about it.

Hey, I gave you a long one this time😄😄hope you liked it😄😄❤️


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