video games

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"Babe!" Jungkook calls you from your shared bedroom. You pause your show on the tv and go upstairs to see what he wants.

You see him sitting on the bed, playing a video game on the tv. "What?" You ask, and he turns to you. He motions you to sit next to him. "Play with me." He hands you the extra game console.

"Why?" You cross your arms. "Why not? Don't feel like it? Or are you just scared to loose to the Golden Maknae, who is also your boyfriend?" He smirks and teases you playfully.

You scoff and sit next to him on the bed. You take the game console. "No way." He turns the game on. "If I win, you have to treat me to my favourite restaurant, the expensive one." You say while smiling.

He pouts. "The expensive one?! Why can't it be some other restaurant?"

You shake your head. "It has to be that one." He sighs. "Fine, but if I win, you have to buy me my favourite video game, and you have to give me a kiss." He smirks.

"A kiss? I give you those everyday." You look weirdly at him. He shakes his head. "No, I want a real kiss. You just give me pecks. You have to give me a real kiss this time." He holds his hand out. "Deal?" You take it. "Deal."

Jungkook turns the video game on and you both start playing. You were fully concentrated on the game that you didn't even notice your phone was ringing. Jungkook pauses the game.

"Your phone." He says, and you pick it up off the bedside table. You turn it off and put it back. Jungkook does the same. "Now nothing can be used as a distraction." You say, and he turns the game back on.

After about an hour, you both were still playing the video game, and it was a tie. You just had to kill Jungkook's player and you'll win. You had a plan on how you were going to do this.

"Do you want to win?" Jungkook suddenly asks, and you scoff. "Well, duh, isn't it obvious?" He chuckles and goes back to playing.

Suddenly, his player shows up in front of yours. You take this opportunity and shoot him, killing him. You won he game!

You shout in rejoicing, and Jungkook smiles. "Congratulations. You won, for the first time." You smile at him.

"Guess who's taking me out on a date at my favourite restaurant?" You go closer to him. He points to himself. "I guess I am."

"I'll go get ready." You smile and go into the closet to pick your outfit. You can hear him chuckling to himself.


"What can I get you guys?" The waiter asks, and you both order your meals, that were extra expensive. You can even see Jungkook cringing at the prices of the meals you ordered.

When the waiter walked away, you took Jungkook's hand. "Thank you so much, babe. I thought that you would change your mind when I won." You hold his hand gently.

He smiles. "Your welcome. It's been a long time since we've been on an actual date, so we should enjoy it." You smile, agreeing with him.

When you both finished the meal, the waiter told you the price of the meal, and you winced. It was a lot. You didn't want Jungkook to pay it all by himself, so you took out your wallet.

He looks at you confused. "Y/n, what are you doing? I thought you said I have to pay." You sigh. "Yeah, but it's too much for you to pay all by yourself, so I'll pay half of it. You do the other half."

He smiles and pays his half of the money. You pay yours. You walk out of the restaurant hand in hand.

Jungkook exhales. "What did I do to deserve such a caring and loving girlfriend?" You laugh. "I have no idea."

He chuckles and kisses your cheek. "Thanks." You look at him. "For what?"

"For being the best girlfriend ever." He says, and you laugh. "Then that makes you the best boyfriend ever."

He smiles and you get to the car. He opens the door for you, and you get in.

When you get home, you both just play video games together, just for fun.

Hey, guys! I hope you like this one! It's a little bit better than my recent ones. Next one coming out soon!


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