newborn baby

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You woke up from your sleep by a shrieking noise coming from the room next to yours. Both you and Jungkook groaned.

"I'll go." You slowly get yourself up out of bed to go feed your 2 month old daughter.

You and Jungkook have been married for 2 years, and you had a baby together. Jeon Jisoo. She is two months old and she barely ever sleeps. Both of you are extra tired during the day because you never get any sleep at night.

You pick up the 2 month old who was still sobbing in your arms. You gently rock her and shush her. "'s ok. Mom's here."

Jisoo feels the warm comfort you were giving her and she stops crying. You sit down to feed her.

"Why can't you let your mom and dad get some rest? Hmm?" You say softly, trying to not scare the now calm baby. You rocked her gently in the rocking chair, and shortly after she fell asleep.

You softly kiss her little head before putting the sleeping newborn back into her crib, quietly and delicatly, and tip toeing back to you and your husband's bedroom. He was laying in bed waiting for you.

You sigh as you get back into bed.
"Who new having a baby would be so hard?" You crawl under the covers. "Yeah, no kidding." Jungkook says before holding his arms out for you to cuddle with him.

In need for some warmth and comfort, you scoot closer to him and he wraps his arms around you. "It's all worth it though."

You nod in agreement. You loved your baby, with all your heart, she was just a lot of work.

"Let's go back to sleep before she wakes up again. Goodnight." You snuggle up against him. He cuddles you more.

"Goodnight, love." He kisses your forehead before falling back asleep himself.

You were probably asleep for about 20 minutes when the newborn started crying again.

You both sigh as Jungkook says it's his turn to go. He leaves the room as you try to fall back asleep.

Jungkook enters the crying baby's room and walks towards the crib. He gently picks her up and cradles her in his arms.

"Sssshh...don't cry, don't cry. Do you want to hear your dad sing you a song? Would you like that?" He coos to the newborn in his arms who was still wailing.

He clears his throat and sings 'Paper Hearts', a cover he did, for the newborn. She calmed down once she heard her father's soothing voice.

When he was finished the song, he looked down to check on his daughter, just to see that she was sleeping soundly in his arms. He smiled to himself, and pecked the newborns forehead multiple times before gently putting her back into her crib and walking next door to your room.

He saw that you were sleeping soundly on the bed without him. He climbed into bed next to you and cuddled you like before.

You unconsiously snuggled up against him in your sleep. He noticed that and smiled to himself while hugging you tighter and kissing your forehead lightly.

"Goodnight." He says before falling asleep himself. They didn't have anymore interruptions that night and slept the rest of the night.

To most people, that lifestyle would be a living nightmare. To you and Jungkook, it was perfect.

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