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(Guess who's back :))

In this one her name is Gaeun.

The screaming of the one she loved the most caused her heart to break into a thousand pieces. She couldn't bear to watch the love of her life be tortured because of her. It was too hard. She turned away so she couldn't see it, yet the sounds of him in pain seemed to replace her sight.

She couldn't handle it anymore and ran towards the one beating him, kicking the torture as hard as she could in the shin. He didn't even flinch, and only looked at her before turning away. She bent down to where Jungkook was laying there on the ground.

"Kook? Kook, can you hear me?" Gaeun desperately shook him, until he finally opened his eyes, giving her a light smile. "Baby..."

Tears started pouring down her cheeks, and she started to cry. "Kook, I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry, this is all my fault. I-I should be here instead of you. I should be in your position instead of you. Why did you d-do this? Why did you...?"Gaeun struggled to get her words out as she sobbed, holding his hand tightly.

Jungkook used most of his strength to move his hand to her cheek, wiping her tears away. "Because I love you, that's why. I would much rather go through this a thousand times than see you go through this even once." He said softly, as he didn't have much strength left in him. There wasn't one part of his body that wasn't in pain at that moment.

"B-but I-" the shaken up girl who as stopped when a finger was placed upon her lips.

"My words are true, and they remain. Now stop crying, I hate seeing you like this." A single tear streamed down her boyfriend's cheek as he smiled sadly at her. How can he smile when he's in so much pain?

As Gaeun held him in her arms, trying to make him seem as comfortable as possible in his barely recognizable state, he was soon jolted out of her arms as the torturer grabbed Jungkook by the neck of his now badly torn and battered shirt.

The man held a gun to her boyfriends head, and he turned to her, smiling sinisterly. "Any last words?"

"Goodbye my love."

Gaeun jolted out of bed with a loud outburst, before frantically checking for her boyfriend next to her, who was now slowly sitting up looking confused. "Gaeun what the fuck? Do you know what time it-"

Jungkook was cut off as Gaeun practically lunged herself onto him, breathing frantically, muttering the words, "you're ok. You're ok.", over and over.

"Of course I'm ok, you're clearly not." He said softly, wrapping his arms around her, holding her in his arms and rocking her back and forth with an intention to calm her down.

When she had finally stopped hyperventilating, Jungkook lightly pulled her away from him, and looked into her eyes before asking her softly, "What happened?"

Gaeun frantically repeated the traumatic dream to him, recalling the memories of seeing him get tortured and beaten, all because of her, causing her to break out into sobs all over again again.

Jungkook sighed after hearing the dream. "What kinda shit are you even watching to be dreaming of stuff like this?"

Gaeun shrugged, and he pulled her into his arms again, laying down as she rested her head on his chest. He held her close, an affirmation that everything will be ok, and that he was there to comfort her.

"However, please know that in any very unlikely case of that happening, I wouldn't waste a single second to be there to do that for you." He said softly.

Gauen glared at him. "Shut up, don't even think about it."

Jungkook laughed. "Let's sleep, I have work tomorrow." He said before lifting his hand to stroke her hair calmly, causing her to fall asleep. The last thing she felt was him kissing her forehead before she drifted off to sleep once again.

The two fell asleep in each other's arms, holding each other close, not letting go until Gauen woke up to an empty space next to her the next morning.


Welp, I caved in, I got this idea and I wanted to follow through with it.

Don't expect much more in the future tho, this was kinda an impulse🥲

Anyways, hope you all enjoyed ig hehe

Also, hope you all are staying safe!

Peace ig

- makayla

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