sibling love

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(This one is a bit different than the others😉. Enjoy!)

"Jeon Jungkook, get back here!!" You yell to your annoying twin brother who just took off running with your cell phone.

"You have to catch me first, Jeon Y/N!" He says before laughing and running back down the stairs.

You grunt and chase after him on a mission to get your phone back. He runs through the kitchen and into the backyard. He stands on one of the lounge chairs near the pool and holds your cell phone up high so you can't reach it.

"Jungkook, give it back!!!" You try jumping up for it, but he just pulls it higher up.

"Aww, you're too short to reach it! Shorty!" He teases you and laughs.

You pout. "Yah, I'm not that short!" You say and climb onto the chair with him. You jump up and try to get the phone, only resulting in both of you falling off. You land on top of Jungkook and he groans.

You roll off him and take your phone out of his hand. You look at him and smile. "Ha! I'm short, but I'm strong."

He cringes at your cheesy line and sits up next to you. "Yeah, whatever, shorty!" He grabs the phone out of your hand again and runs away with it.

"YAH!! JEON JUNGKOOK YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SH-" before you could finish the sentence, your mother comes out.

"Jeon Y/N, why are you screaming at the top of your lungs when you know that your little sister is sleeping?" She puts her hands on her hips.

You pout. "But Mom-" She shakes her head. "No more buts, Y/N, get inside." She points to the door and you get up off the grass before walking into the house.

You go upstairs to find Jungkook on your bed with your phone. You glare at him. He smiles. "You got in trouble, didn't you?"

"Shut up." You lay down on your bed. He sighs. "You're just gonna ignore the fact that I still have your phone?"

Your eyes grow wide and you immediately sit up and try to reach for it, but he holds it away. "Oooh, you just got a text from your boyfriend. I wonder what it- Yah!" You quickly snatch the phone away from him and open the text.

Your boyfriend hasn't been answering your texts for a while, so this made you curious on what the text said.

You opened the text to see a picture of your boyfriend with some girl you didn't know, and a text that said;

Sorry to say this, but I'm breaking up with you. I know doing it over text is the worst, but it's the only way I could do it. I found some one else, and my feelings for you have faded away. Srry.

Your tears started pouring down your face as the words on the screen started to get blurry.

Jungkook, who was on his phone now, heard you sniffling and turned around to see what was up.

"Do you need to get a tissue or something cause- Y/N? Are you ok? What happened?" His concerned and worried voice quickly replaced his annoyed one as he quickly rushed by your side.

You passed the phone to him and let him read the text. His fists clenched up as an angry expression came on his face.

"This stupid ass hole." He muttered in between his teeth.

"It's ok, though. I know he didn't really love me from the start. Who would love me, anyways?" You say before sighing and leaning back on your bed.

"Uh, anyone who's smart enough to realize that you're an amazing, talented, beautiful, and smart person. I could list a thousand good things about you, Y/N, that you don't even realize. This guy clearly has a brick for a brain because who dumps someone over text? Even I wouldn't do that." He says, looking at your phone.

"Seriously though, I'm gonna beat him up the next time I see him, because that is just not ok. Nobody hurts my sister like that." He says, getting really mad. You sit up and touch his arm. He looks at you. You shake your head.

"You don't have to do that. At least he's happy now. He wasn't happy with me." You say, tearing up again.

Jungkook moves so he's next to you on the bed, and pulls you into a warm hug, allowing you to cry in his arms. You sob as your tears come faster, wetting his shirt. He strokes your hair with his hand, trying to calm you down.

You both lay down and he turns on the tv in your room, putting on your favourite movie. You calm down a bit, and watch the movie with him. Jungkook knows that whenever you cry, your favourite movie always calms you down.

You laugh together at the funny parts, and Jungkook's mood is easily lifted hearing your laugh. There's nothing he loves more than cheering you up wen you're upset.

You eventually fall asleep in his arms. Your head was resting on his chest as his arms were around your small body.

Your mom comes in the room to tell you to get ready for bed. "Guys it's time fo-" before she could finish, Jungkook quickly motions for her to stop and points at your sleeping body.

He smiles and puts his finger to his lips. Your mom smiles back and closes the door softly.

Soon after that, Jungkook falls asleep as well. Both of you stay like that for the rest of the night.

Hope you liked it. I did it a bit different this time.🙂


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