surprise visit

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The Winter Dance was almost here, and students were asking each other to the dance. Most of them said yes, but some of them got rejected.

You were hoping that your boyfriend, Jungkook, would ask you, but he hasn't yet. The dance was only a couple days away now, but he hasn't asked you yet. This made you wonder if he really wanted to go or if he just forgot.

You were sitting with him and his friends at lunch when you decided to ask if he was going or not. You wanted to do it in private, so a bunch of eyes aren't on you when you ask.

You tap his shoulder, and he pauses his conversation with Jimin to look at you. "Yes?"

"Can I talk to you? Privately?" You ask softly so the others don't hear. He nodded. "Let's go to the rooftop." He says, and takes your hand.

You both walk up the stairs and to the rooftop. He sits on the bench next to you. "So what's up?"

"I wanted to ask you something, since this subject hasn't come up between us yet." You say, and he waits for you to continue.

"Are you going to the Winter Dance?" You ask softly, but loud enough for him to hear you. You were shy about it, since you were afraid that he didn't want to go with you.

"Why are you asking me this?" He suddenly asks, and you look at him. You sigh.

"Because you haven't asked me to the dance yet." You say, and his eyes widen. "Didn't I tell you?" He asks, and you look at him confused.

"Tell me what?" This time it's his turn to sigh.

"Y/n, I'm not going to the Dance this year."

When he said that, you felt your heart break into a million pieces. He's not going? That means you have to go...alone.

"What?" You ask, making sure you heard the right thing. "My dad is taking me out to Busan, since he wants me to be the new CEO of his company, for a long, boring meeting. I leave the day before the dance." He says, basically saying that you're going alone. He pulls you into a hug.

"I'm really sorry, baby. If I were allowed to choose, I'd stay here and be your date to the dance, but I can't." He sounds really guilty, so you hug him back. "It's ok, I'll just go with friends."'

He kisses your forehead. "This is one of the many reasons why I love you. Thanks for being so understanding." You smile at his statement.

You both get up and walk hand in hand to your next class. You felt sad that he wasn't able to go, but you understood that it wasn't up to him and decided to go with your friends.

2 days later

You were sitting at a table with your friends and their dates. You still wished Jungkook was with you, but you decided to have a good time despite him not being here.

Last night he was texting you about how much he wished he was going and that he was sorry for not being there. You knew he loved you, even though he wasn't with you.

"Y/N! We're going to get some drinks, we'll be right back." Your friends say, and you nod. They leave you at the table with their dates.

"So, Y/N, where's Jungkook?" One of them asks. "He had some business to do in Busan." You simply reply, taking a sip of your own drink.

"Really? That sucks." Another one says, and you nod. "Yeah, but it's ok. He didn't have a choice anyways." You say with a small smile.

"I sense a bad boyfriend-'' Before he could finish his sentence, you stand up and walk away, leaving them dumbfounded.

What the heck? I thought those people were his friends. Stupid assholes... you thought to yourself as you walked towards the dessert table.

You were getting some dessert when your guy friend, Felix, came up to you. "Hey, Y/N!" He smiles at you.

You smile back. "Hey, Felix!"

"Where's Jungkook?" He asks, and you sigh. "He couldn't make it." You say. "Oh, well would you like to dance with me?" He asks, and you hesitate, since the only one you were really comfortable dancing with is Jungkook.

"Maybe later." You say, and he smiles. "Ok. See you later!" He says and starts walking away. "Bye!" You smile and wave at him.

A couple hours later, you were talking at the table with your friends when your best friend taps your shoulder.

"Y/N, I thought you said Jungkook wasn't coming." You look at her confused. "He isn't. Why?"

"Isn't that him standing at the doorway?" She points towards the door, and you turn.

There he was, standing there in his tux, looking for you. His hair was neatly fixed and he was wearing a red tie with a black shirt and blazer.

You get up out of your seat and run quickly to him, even though your wearing heels and it hurt your feet but you didn't care. You jumped into his arms and wrapped your arms around his neck.  He wraps his arms around your waist and you bury your face into the crook of his neck.

"You came." You mumble faintly, enough so he could still hear you. He hugs you tightly.

You slightly pull away to look at each other. "I thought you were in Busan." You say, and he smiles. "The meetings were postponed to a different date. I don't even have to go anymore."

You smile at him, and he pecks your lips. "Thank you." You say, and hug him again.

You were sitting at the table with Jungkook, your friends and their dates until it was time for the slow dance.

You were getting up when Felix approached you. He smiles. "Ready for that dance now?"

You were about to answer when Jungkook spoke for you. "Who are you?" Felix's smile goes away. "I'm her friend. I asked her to dance earlier, since you weren't here to dance with her, and she said she will later."

Jungkook holds my hand. "I'm here now, so I think I'll be the one to dance with her. Besides, I am her boyfriend after all." He says and pulls you towards the dance floor. Felix glares at him while you give Felix an apologetic look.

Jungkook holds your waist while you hold his neck and start to slow dance. "Why do you get so jealous?" You ask, smiling a bit.

"Because, you're my girlfriend. I don't want you dancing with others boys. You're only allowed to dance with me." He simply states, and you chuckle. He smiles.

"I love you." 

You smile back at him. "I love you too."

Then he kisses you.

Hey guys! Hope you liked this one!


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