valentine's day special

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Happy Valentine's Day!

After a long day at work, my boss finally let me go home, since it was Valentine's Day. My back is sore, and I just want to get in my bed and fall asleep so bad right now.

What I think I need most, is cuddles from Jungkook. Whenever I have a bad day, he's always waiting at home for me, ready to for me to rant to him about how terrible my day was.

I unlocked the door to find nobody in the house.

"Jungkook?" I go in the living room of the small apartment we shared to see nobody there.

"Babe?" I go in the bedroom to check if he's there. Instead of Jungkook, I see a really nice dress sitting on the bed, and a tiny note.

Happy Valentine's Day, baby!
Put the dress on, and Jimin should be there in a bit to pick you up. Make yourself look nice, I have a surprise for you!
-Kook <3

I put the note down and took another look at the dress.

"When did he find the money to get such an expensive dress?" I ask myself as I pick it up and go to the bathroom to change.


"Ah!" I jump, and turn around to see my friends standing at the door way.

"Yah, what are you guys trying to do, give me a heart attack?" I slightly raise my voice.

"Sorry about that, but, Jungkook called us and asked us to do your hair and makeup." Hana replies.


"Because, he's gonna-" Mina quickly covers Yuri's mouth before she says anymore.

"He's gonna what....?"

"Uh-he's gonna get mad if we don't." Hana says, as she shoots daggers with her eyes at Yuri.

"...ok?" I look at them weirdly.

"Well, put the dress on so we can do your hair and makeup. Quickly!" Yuri says as she pushes me into the bathroom.

After I'm done with the dress, the girls come in and do my hair and makeup. They curl my hair into loose curls at the ends, and put on some light makeup.

Once they were all done with my look, Mina goes into my jewelry box and takes out the necklace Jungkook gave me on one of our anniversaries. She puts it on me and smiles at the finished look. "You look gorgeous."

"Jungkook is gonna love this." Yuri says, and Hana nods, agreeing with her.

Just as they finished cleaning up, someone rings the doorbell. "That must be Jimin." Hana goes to open the door. He comes into me and Jungkook's room and takes a good look at me.

"Y/N, you look amazing. Jungkook is so lucky to have such a gorgeous girl like you." He smiles, and the girls nod. "He really is."

I smile and thank them.

"Ok, let's go. Jungkook will be mad if I'm late." Jimin says, and I nod.

We all get into his car and he starts driving to this deserted area. It was in he country side, and it was very beautiful, with tons of hills and beautiful meadows. Not to mention that the sun was setting which made it even more beautiful.

Jimin finally parked on the side of the road. He opened the door for me and offered me his arm. I took it and the girls stayed in the car.

Jimin walked me to this really pretty area that was on a hill. Soon, I saw Jungkook, my handsome boyfriend, walking towards us with a smile on his face. He was wearing a suit with a bow tie, and his hair looked fluffier than ever in his usual style.

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