meet my 'girlfriend' 2

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"Again!??" You slammed your locker shut and turned to him.

"You expect me to go along with that whole act, hanging out with clingy Mina and her boyfriend again? You wish!"

"Cmon, y/n. Please? You did such a good job with playing along last time." Jungkook pleaded as you crossed your arms.

"Yeah, maybe that's because I didn't say anything the whole time!"

"But this time it's not at a cafe; it's at an amusement park, so it'll be more fun. Please? She really liked you last time."

"Jungkook, the answer's no. I don't wanna witness Mina and Hooyun kissing each other's faces off this time." You turned and walked away before Jungkook grabbed your hand and turned you around.

"Please y/n? I'm begging you. After this I'll treat you and give you what ever you want for a week." Jungkook got pleaded as your stand was still in his.

You sighed. "Fine. But Jungkook, this is the very last time I'm doing this for you. Got that?"

"Definitely!! Thank you so much, y/n!" He again pulled you into his arms, hugging you tightly with a wide smile on his face.

This time, you didn't even pull away until he did, which surprised yourself since you normally would pull away in disgust.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at around 11:30." He said, and you nodded.

He handed you a admissions bracelet.

"This is for tomorrow so we don't have to stand in line. Don't lose it." He said, and you took it before putting it in your pocket.

"Yeah, ok."

Jungkook waved goodbye to you before walking down the hall, leaving you in your thoughts.

How am I gonna get through this?

"Jungkookie!!" Mina's loud shriek filled your ears as she ran over to Jungkook, wrapping her arms around him tightly before he could pull away.

"Hey, Mina." He said as he pushed her off and put the car keys in his pocket.

"Y/n! I'm glad you could come! We're all gonna have a lot of fun today!" Mina beamed as Hooyun came and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Let's go then." Jungkook said as he took your hand in his and walked towards the gate.

You all showed the worker your bracelets before walking into the park.

"What should we do first?" Mina asked, and Hooyun pointed towards the bumper cars.

"Let's do that first."

The rest of you nodded and went towards the line for the bumper cars. When you got in the track, Mina stood next to you.

"How about me and y/n versus Hooyun and Jungkookie?" She smirked, and you nodded.

"Ok. Be ready to get your guys asses kicked!" You exclaimed before running towards a car and getting in it.

"You wish!" Jungkook yelled from his car across from you.


"Babe, I think I got serious whiplash from when you slammed into me just now." Jungkook complained to you as he rubbed his neck.

"I'm sorry, but you thought that you could beat us, and you were wrong." You smirked as Mina laughed.

"Whatever, let's do something else." Hooyun took Mina's hand and dragged her away, as you and Jungkook trailed behind them, holding hands.

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