by your side

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Jungkook was gone for the day, practicing with his group, and you were laying in your shared bed.

He was an idol, and that made it kind of difficult for you to be dating, but he truly loves you so you try to make it work anyways.

You were scrolling in instagram in your bed when you get the sudden urge to puke. You get up and rush to the bathroom.

You sit on the floor and let out all your contents into the toilet bowl while holding the edge of it. You felt really dizzy after, and wobbled your way back to your bed.

You lay there, wondering why this is happening to you. This has been happening for about a month now, and you just shrugged it off by thinking it's the stomach flu.

This doesn't only happen in the mornings. It happens also when you smell a specific food. Earlier this week, you were opening a banana for a snack, but suddenly had the urge to throw up.

You also had missed your period, which was due about a month ago.


Am I...

No, no, no, no, I can't be.

But you also remember the last time you and Jungkook did 'it' was about a month ago.

No, I can't be pregnant. We're not ready for a baby yet!

You decide to set an appointment with the doctor to see if you were pregnant or not. You really hoped it wasn't true, because with Jungkook's busy schedules, you both didn't have time for a baby.

You set the appointment for later today at about 3 in the afternoon.

Later at 3, you were sitting in the doctors office until they call your name. "Y/l/n, Y/N" You get up off the chair and they lead you to a room with an ultrasound.

The doctor arrives and puts the cold gel on your tummy. He looks at the ultrasound screen and smiles. "Yep, there is definately a baby in there! Congrats!" He smiles at you while you just keep a blank face.

What will Jungkook think?

How am I going to tell him?

Will he leave me?

The doctor gives you the ultrasound picture before you leave.

While driving home, all the negative thoughts are coming and you start panicking.

When you get home, Jungkook isn't home yet, thankfully, so you go upstairs to lay down for a while.

You sit on the bed and stare at the picture. You hear a door close downstairs, which probably mean your boyfriend was home.

Oh no.

"Y/n! Where are you?" He calls. You start to panic. He'll come up and see you holding the ultrasound picture.

You can hear his footsteps coming up the stairs, and you start to tear up, scared of what his reaction will be.

He enters the room. "Hey, I was call-" He stops once he sees the tears pouring down your face. He rushes over and sits on the bed next to you.

"Y/N? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He bombards you with questions.

You look up at him, then down at the ultrasound picture in your hands. He looks at it, then takes it from you. His eyes grow huge.

"Your pregnant?" You just look down at the floor as more tears cover your cheeks.

"I'm sorry." You softly say, and he shakes his head. "No. We're not ready for this yet."

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