thank you!!!

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Hello friends!

So, I've been very inactive on this book since like July, and it's because one, I've been working on my other book, 'Married to a Jerk', and two, I created an instagram account where I write imagines. Also, I've been really out of inspiration for this book, and yeah.

So, after some thought, I've decided to take a long hiatus from this, or to just end it. I don't know if I'll come back to this book, but I probably won't, so I just wanted to say this.

Thank you to all you beautiful readers for your support on this book. At first I thought this would be a flop, but the views and comments and votes are higher, for me, than I expected. You guys are what kept me going on this book, and all the amazing comments and feedback I've received just warms my heart thinking about it. Now that I'm ending it, I just wanted to give my gratitude on all the support.

I love you all, and if you want to check out my imagines account on insta, it's; @gukkimagines.

I'll be more active there.

Anyways, thanks and be sure to check out my other book!

I love you all very much!

- Makayla

jjk - imagines and scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now