C h a p t e r T w o

34 4 0

M o n d a y 2 n d S e p t e m b e r
Early morning

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I rolled over and felt around on my bedside table in order to shut off my alarm clock. Then I rubbed my tired eyes and kicked off the duvet, which fell messily at the end of my bed in a heap, half hanging over the edge. Yawning, I stretched my arms up, clasped my hands together and stretched them even further back. Next, after collecting my large glasses from the tall, french bedside table, I swung my legs round, performing a what would be elegant jump off of the frame of the high-bed, if only I wasn't so tired.

I went to the bathroom adjacent to my bedroom door and splashed water on my face, making me feel more awake than I was, as well as removing the remainder of yesterday's make-up. Then I returned to my room and unrolled my blue exercise mat. Ever since I started secondary, I decided I'd make a...new year's resolution? I guess. Yeah, a new school year's resolution. On every first day back, I'd start something new, like the first year I aimed for straight As, but as the year progressed I ended up with A-stars. Then the next year, I'd start a new resolution on top of the past ones. So during year eight, I kept up that promise and started one to learn a new language: Italian. E ha funzionato abbastanza bene! [Translation: And it worked quite well!] Year nine I began eating healthier and last year I began jogging a kilometre round the village four times a week. I specifically chose not to do every day in case of holidays or something important.

This year, I was determined to do yoga or general exercises to improve flexibility. My main goals are that by my birthday, I will be able to do the splits, touch my head to my toes and do both a backwards and forwards walkover, however I'd also like to be able to do a side aerial, walk up my legs from a backbend and and be able to hold a handstand at will. Anyway, this morning I began with basic stretches, like lunges and touching you toes for ten seconds, then moved on to simple yoga poses like upward dog, kneeling and stretching your arms out in front the pushing your shoulders down. I could feel my muscles stretching and aching from this alien routine but I ignored it as best I could; I turned to try the splits. I have no shame in saying I cannot do splits in any way. By my calculation, I bet around ninety-percent of people cannot. At least. However, I was ashamed of how high off the ground I was; I could feel a stabbing pain in the backs of my knees that refused to go any further. I dropped to my behind, twisted to the other side of the mat, and tried the opposite way. Next, I attempted a backbend; now I can do a bridge, I'm not that stiff, but I've never really tried a proper backbend. So, once in a bridge, I tilted my head further back until I could see the floor. It seemed surprisingly easy, and-much to my enjoyment-I managed to do it!

After that, I changed out of my Star Wars pyjamas and into my uniform: a black skirt, ankle socks and shoes, a short-sleeved blue shirt, coupled with a navy and sky blue striped tie and a dark navy blazer. I applied my make-up in my usual fashion and pulled my blonde, wavy hair into two bunchies, one either side of my head. With my black glasses, I looked exactly like the nerd they think I am. I can't pinpoint the first time I made myself look like this exactly, a few years ago, perhaps? Either way, I did it so I look like what I'm portrayed as at school. Plus, I quite like it. I snapped up my bag from my carpeted floor, along with my phone, and headed out of the room, across the corridor and into the kitchen. Sitting my stuff down on the counter, I checked the time on the digital clock on the oven. Ten past seven. In twenty minutes I leave to catch the bus; ten minutes after that it's scheduled to come (but is late, naturally) and I arrive at school an fifty or so minutes later. Now, I grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and poured myself a bowl of muesli with dried fruit flakes. When I took up healthy eating, I calculated the perfect amount of anything and everything I eat for breakfast, so I don't waste any nor feel hungry yet get enough calories et cetera. I also poured a glass of apple and mango juice-my favourite. I ate while reading a book I had for reading at home: Murder on Camp.

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