C h a p t e r F i v e

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T h u r s d a y 5 t h S e p t e m b e r

I have spent three days with Jadyn tormenting me at every possible moment and I have to say: I have had it with her Royal Highness! That twat's skirt gets higher every single day and the Picasso artwork that is her face gets more sickening at every touch up. I wish I could slap a pack of make-up wipes on her face and I would kill to see her face if I got all her make-up and set it on fire in front of her.

I sighed as I opened the door to the Library, where I'd been hanging-well, okay, hiding out at during the breaks and lunches for the last three years. I used to sit on the field, as far away from the buildings as I could and behind a tree for good measure, but they found me there. Then it hit me: Jadyn practically throws up every time she's forced to read in English-her thick head is incapable of accepting that some people will read for fun, from an actual book. She'd vomit at even the thought of coming near to a place dedicated purely to the exit of reality. I looked round at the rows upon rows of high bookshelves crammed full of books of all different shapes, sizes, colours and genres. The creamy pale walls against the mahogany shelves made the room cosy and welcoming.

"Hello, Lettice!" the librarian Miss. Lauren smiled from over by her L-shaped desk positioned next to the door around her chair. "Back again?"

"Yeah," I sighed, my eyes meeting her teal ones, surrounded by shoulder-length hazelnut locks. "Can I return 'Blades of Death' and 'The Murder Mysteries' please?" I pass her the black covered hardback along with the off-white paperback, which she accepts with a smile and scans them in.

"What did you think of them?" she implored.

"Well, I personally thought Skie was a naïve character, purposefully made dumb to help the story, which-despite a decent backstory-had a pretty flimsy storyline. I rather fancy that the author grew lazy around page ten, and only really enjoyed writing the gruesome parts-frankly, it's really put me off reading any other books by the same person, yet I'm reading their other murder novels and they're actually decent!"

"And 'Blades of Death'?"

"Although I'm not the biggest fan of fantasy stories, the author has a way of writing that keeps one guessing and makes things interesting. A really enjoyable read."

"My favourite character's Ivy."

"Mine's Robyn."

"Ooh, a side character!"

"Yup," I agreed, popping the 'p'. "But with huge potential."

"Okay, well what do you want to read today? Are you by any chance a 'Dolan Twins' fan? Or 'NateWantsToBattle' fan? We've just got some copies of some fan fictions to see if new people will read them. One's a short series beginning with something called 'Mangled' and one's called 'Falling for the Dolan Twins'. I have no clue what they're like."

"No thanks, that's really not my type of book."

"Okay, what about 'RE: RE:?"

"Nah, I read that in year three," I shook my head.

"'The Fallen one? It's by the same person as 'Blades of Death'."

"What's it like?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Really good, and so's the sequel."

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