C h a p t e r E i g h t

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T h u r s d a y 1 2 t h S e p t e m b e r

Well, I was right, yesterday Jadyn sure let me know how pissed she was at me, for both detentions, which I thought was a bit incorrect since at least one had absolutely nothing to do with me, but oh well. Also, word spread like fire about Logan and I, but -surprisingly, and just as he said-his lies about Tessa just saying that for attention outweighed everything she said. I refused to comment. I sure am getting attention for it, not that I like it, but I do enjoy Jadyn being jealous. For example, at registration yesterday, Finley, one of the footballers and also-just by chance-Jadyn's obvious crush, came over, much to Jadyn's horror, and asked me what I thought about the thing between Tessa and Logan, and if what Tessa said was true. He was even recording it with his phone. Like, videoing it.

"Finley, can you please not videotape this if you're going to interview me?" I sighed.

"Why not?" he asked, lowering his phone.

"Er, I-I'm a bit camera shy," I admitted, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear and looking down, a bit nervous.

"Oh okay, I know the feeling," he agreed, stopping the recording. Finley, unlike most others, actually knows how to be kind at times. "Can I at least voice record?"

I rolled my eyes, "I guess so."

"Great," his face perked up as he tapped his phone a bit. "Okay, Lettice-" OMG- he said my actual name! "How do you feel about the argument going on between Tessa and Logan?"

"Well..." I thought. "I honestly feel it's pretty petty overall. Like, all of this is being fought via rumours, like seriously? Talk to each other and stop it! All it is as of now is gossip that no one can prove is right or wrong, besides the people that were there-that saw it. It's a pointless war. And frankly, people break up every day, and Tessa really should've known what was coming-Logan is notorious for breaking hearts-"

"Yes but don't you feel bad that they broke up?" Finley interrupted. "Like they were the school's cutest couple!"

I snorted. "Oh yeah, I forgot," I began, my voice drooling sarcasm. "The major slut and the major dick-all anyone spoke of for a whole week! Said to be the couple 'made for each other' when they really weren't and were never gonna last."

"Ooh, the shade!" the gingery-blonde haired boy grinned. "Okay, then I'll give you a chance to stop all of this. You said the only people that can prove what's right or wrong are the people that saw it. So... What really happened that morning?"

I gulped. As much as I want to stop the rumours, Logan could snap me in two in a heartbeat. "Well..." What can I say? "I have no comment. I will say I was in the same building when they broke up, however about what happened after, I have no comment."

"So you won't deny the rumours?" His eyes were gleaming.

"I didn't say that. Rumours are just rumours and can't hurt me. Honestly, I don't give a shit about what you lot think about me. I'm already considered as the lowest of the low. Can't get any worse, right? Plus, I don't like Tessa nor Logan, they've never been kind to me, let alone acknowledge me. It's their fight, they must end it. But it's so stupid since even if he did like me-which is highly unlikely-I couldn't care less about him. Okay, I'm done." I got to my feet and walked out the door, slamming it behind me. It may not have been the utter truth-in many ways-but it got the reporter-in-training off my back... At least for now.

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