C h a p t e r T h i r t y

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M o n d a y 6 t h J a n u a r y
L o g a n ' s P . O . V .

One word to describe my life at the moment?


My life has been complete and utter shit for as long as I can remember. Is shit, was shit, always gonna be shit.

Recently though, it just been extra shitty. By recently, I mean ever since Lettice saw India kissing me. It was all bad timing, but it wasn't my fault. It wasn't. But for a few months, she came in to my life and everything just seemed better. I could get her help for work and then my grades went up but now I can't focus in class. I daydream a lot and can't listen, much less take notes. My grades are the lowest they've ever been and that means... well...

You can't even imagine what it was like getting my last report card over the holidays.

So now my life has returned to complete and utter shit. Great.

On the up side it's school term again. Not that I like school, on the contrary I agree it's hell, but at least it is... Better.

I pushed through the door to my form room, all my friends hollering my name as they saw me. I gave a half-hearted smile and went over to catch up with them. Jadyn and Jessika were there too, naturally, and they explicitly flirted with all the guys, who played along even though I know for a fact the majority of them find her sickening.

Then the door opened with a creak and I looked up just in case it was...


Our eyes met-hers framed by those cute rose gold, thin rimmed glasses-as she entered and her eyes suddenly went wide for a split-second before returning to the hard, cold acknowledging glare I've come to know recently. My eyes followed her as she walked up to the front desk, where that red head was waiting for her. They greeted one another and Lettice struck up a conversation, me straining to listen in as snippets of their conversation drifted my way.

"...was round...birthday..."

"...then suddenly he kissed..."


"...come round...Saturday?"

I didn't understand much, but I did decide to go over and pick up where I left off last term: get her to talk to me.

"Hey, Lettice," I said as gently as I could.

"She doesn't want to talk to you," her friend snapped, folding her arms across her chest.

"I wasn't talking to you," I retorted. "Mind your own god damn business."

"As her best friend, it is my business," she reasoned, the steely look in her eye telling me she wasn't going to give up this fight any time soon.

"Yeah, well-"

"Logan," the blonde interrupted, startling yet relieving me: this is the first time she's spoken to me in months, but it is progress! "Go away. I do not want to speak to you." So much for that.

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