C h a p t e r T h r e e

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M o n d a y 2 n d S e p t e m b e r

Is stepped into the classroom; it appeared everyone else was already here. Despite all the noise I'd heard right before opening that dreaded door, all chatter in the room was now hushed. I hate being the centre of attention; all eyes were on me. Following me. I gripped the strap of my bag, digging my white acrylic nails into the waterproof fabric. As silently as possible, I slipped over to my usual seat right at the very front, past all the plants and models Miss Evergreen keeps at the side of the room. I was surprised no one had made a move yet, maybe they really had changed over the summer? Doubtful, but possible all the same. Just then, only metres from my stool, I felt my bag being yanked down my arm. "One strap!" a familiar voice sang as I readjusted my backpack and grimaced, biting the inside of my bottom lip and sighing. Of course. As if they'd change, I mean-what can I say?-boys will be boys. Bitches will be bitches. Pricks will be pricks. What? Just stating a fact.

I lower myself into my seat, actually reaching it successfully first time for a change and, since it was too good to last, just like that the mayhem began booming down like thunder. I could feel things being chucked at my back; I just sighed and rested my hands on my head. Then the devil came.

"Hey Lettuce," Jadyn sauntered over with a sickly sweet smile plastered on her face, which was already plastered in make-up; her skirt rolled so far up that she was practically advertising it, the only missing thing being a sign that said 'stare at me so we have a reason to stamp on you'. Her shirt is the same half-transparent blue blouse that lets the boys do googly-eyes at her fake tits in her lace bra that is-long story short-very inappropriate and very revealing. "Oh, sorry, Let-ice." I honestly don't know why, but everyone thinks it's hilarious to mispronounce my name- I think it just makes them sound dumber than they already are. It's not 'Lettuce' or 'Let-ice' like how the frick do they get that? It's fucking Lettice with a freaking accent-like pronounced 'Let-teese'. Seriously, after four years you'd think they'd have at least half a brain between all of them.

"It's Lettice," I stated, glaring back into her dangerous, dark eyes, which were surrounded by layers of foundation five layers of mascara-plus false lashes-and then ashy greys for an eyeshadow palette. Above all of that was full, overdone eyebrows that were a dark colour matching her long, silky hair that was pulled up into a messy hiiiiigh ponytail that was split in two, one half falling either side and naturally-well, unnaturally-was coated in a few covers of hairspray, causing it to stick to its designated spot.

"Oh, sorry, I thought you wouldn't have cared considering I actually used effort to come over to talk to you," she feigned hurt.

"So sorry it took that much effort, Jadyn. It's perfectly fine for you not to bother next time."

"How rude!" she shrieked, backed up by her entourage of brainwashed, spineless followers. "I can't believe you're really acting like this to me! Me! After everything I've ever done for you! You're such an ungrateful bitch!"

I simply stared at her like she wasn't as insane as she sounded. "Wow, as always, your modesty astounds me."

"Huh?" She took a step back, genuinely confused and I rolled my eyes. How the fuck did she get into a bloody grammar school?

"Jadyn is modest, you're right," her most devoted helper Jessika gasped. "I never expected that to come from you!" I looked into her confident face and pale blue eyes, searching for something that told me she was joking. Nothing.

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