C h a p t e r F i f t e e n

18 2 0

S a t u r d a y 1 9 t h O c t o b e r

I woke up to my alarm, light streaming through my eyelids making them seem orange. Looking around to slap the snooze button, with everything seeming blurry, my fingers found the corner of my bedside table and worked their way up to the clock and afterwards my glasses. Placing them across my nose, I got down from my bed and headed down the corridor to the bathroom.

Returning back, I unrolled the yoga mat and began my stretches; first I held my feet for thirty seconds, a move that had become increasingly easy with each passing day, and I found my chest pressed almost completely flat against my legs. Then I got into the splits position, getting as low as I could, Then switched legs.

After a few more stretches and poses, I got up, and got changed; I grabbed my trainers, put my earphones in and headed off down the road in an early morning jog.

I started off down the footpath, few cars passing by on the road that ran parallel, before crossing over and creating a path through the woods that led to the park. My feet padded across the damp grass as I ran a lap around the few-acres-wide field as the music filled my mind. 🎶 Thunder and lightning, it's getting exciting; lights up the skyline to show where you are. 🎶

Grey clouds forming overhead, I circled back on myself and jogged back home, completing the loop. 🎶 My love is rising the story's unwinding. 🎶

The door shutting behind me, I bounded through the shop and up the stairs; mum was just finishing her breakfast and I called out a cheery "good morning".

"Oh, morning. Just been out for a jog?"

"Yeah. What time are we opening the shop?" I hollered from my room, kicking off my black trainers and plugging my phone onto it's charger.

"Half an hour," she replied, getting something out of the cupboard. I checked my clock; it was eight-thirty-one.


I shut my door and quickly stripped down to my underwear, picking out a black strappy top and tight-fitting black skirt which would end slightly lower than the apron, when I put it on; I accessorised with a pair of black pumps and earrings.

After restyling my hair out of its messy ponytail from earlier and into a french plait, I made my way back along the corridor and down the varnished stairs.

Mum was busy rearranging the display in the central glass shelf case-the bath bomb one-so that the complementary colours were together on a shelf with their matching-coloured decorations with them. I snuck up behind her as she was crouched working on the lowest platform and slipped my arms around her neck; she let out a yelp and jumped a bit. "You're hands are cold!" she exclaimed as I released her from my grasp and laughed. She rolled her eyes but a smile was playing on her tinted lips. "Come on, lets get this place set up."


I twisted the rectangular sign round on its hook so that it read 'closed' for me, but 'open' on the side pressed up against the glass, then walked over to the front desk and flicked through the appointment book to today. Nine-fifteen: three girls signed in for a pay-on-the-day manicure under the name of 'Bichward'. I asked mum if she'd set up the manicure station and she replied with a yes. Good.

It wasn't long until the little brass bell rang and I turned to see the elderly couple from a few weeks ago entering; a few drops of rain present on their coats. I greeted them with a warm smile. "Welcome back."

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