C h a p t e r T h i r t y T w o

8 1 0

S a t u r d a y 1 1 t h J a n u a r y

I awoke to Keira violently shaking me, repeating that "you're gonna be late!" Yawning, I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, half-listening to her go on about how little time we have and something I mostly ignored about me being a stubborn little bitch.

"Okay, okay, chill. I'm getting up," I sighed making my way to her bathroom with my hairbrush in hand. After five minutes, I'd brushed my hair back into a messy bun, gone to the toilet and freshened up by splashing my face with ice-cold water. Then we went down for a quick breakfast-and I mean quick. I had no time to relax thanks to Keira's excessive worried commentary.

Reluctantly leaving behind some delicious food, I trudged back upstairs behind the red head and she made me text my mum to come later as we had stuff to do, to which she-much to my dismay-agreed. She was my one excuse out of this mess.

I was forced to have a quick shower, washing my hair with both shampoo and conditioner, and then do my teeth. As I emerged from the steamy room, she dragged me over to her wardrobe. "Here, pick something out."

I rummaged around through her clothes, not too sure what was wrong with my outfit I'd packed but went along with it anyway, eventually choosing a skin tight top and a white hoodie to pair with a pair of ripped jeans.

She approved so I went to change into it, and afterwards she judged it. "It looks so good, but isn't it a bit casual for your first date?" she pondered, one hand on her chin and the other holding up the other by the elbow.

"Well, first off, it's not really a 'date'. Secondly, why should that change it? I want to go as myself, not all dressed up and fake," I reasoned. " and another thing-"

"Okay, okay I get it, wear that. Now, what's next? Make-up!"

I groaned, but followed her nevertheless.She tossed a small bag to me, which I unzipped to reveal several eyeshadow palettes and lipsticks. Looking through it I picked out a plain black mascara, nude eye shadow with a slight glimmer to it and nude lip gloss.

She rolled her eyes but didn't argue.


I stood out in the relatively warm weather for this time of year, Keira pulling me along behind her until we were just around the corner from the place we were supposed to meet him. I can't believe she dragged me into this! Seriously, why me? We reached the window of the cafe, where Keira peered through to quickly scanned the tables for Logan, suddenly whipping round with a huge smirk, grabbing me before I could run. 

"He's in there-sat in the back corner," she informed me, and when I didn't respond she added: "well? Go on!" She shoved me towards the glass doors, so with a sign I opened them and stepped in.

As I walked towards him, he turned his head, acknowledging my presence for the first time and got up, waiting for me to take a seat across from him before he sat down again. "Hi," I muttered, not bothered to make much of an effort to have a conversation.

"Hi," he smiled, almost...relieved? " I didn't think you'd come."

"Er... Yeah. Well I have now."

"What would you like?" he smiled, getting to his feet.

"Just a hot chocolate but I can pay for my own drink."

"No, no, my treat," he insisted and after a small argument I gave in. After a few minutes he returned to the booth with a small tray; he laid it on the table and passed me a mug piled high with cream and marshmallows. I thanked him and warmed my hands on the side of the off-white ceramic side it was clearly too hot to drink.

"So..." I began, breaking the silence. " why did you want to see me?"

"I...just wanted to talk to you. I wanted to apologise. For everything. Before Christmas I did actually want to tell you something but right before you showed up India came over. I promise I wasn't intentionally trying to piss you off."

"I-I'm so sorry, Logan. I didn't realise it was like that. I just assumed you were being the player I've always known you as." I put my hand on his arm which was sprawled across the table. "I shouldn't have jumped to that conclusion. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. I understand why you'd think that of me." We both sat in an uncomfortable silence until he took a breath. "So... I still hardly know anything about you. If we're fine, then...maybe we could restart?"

I took a dip of my drink, the warm chocolatey liquid slipping down my throat. "Why not, I guess. What do you want to know? There not really that much to know."

"Well... Erm... What's your favourite colour? "

"Mint green," I replied. "Yours?"

"Probably black," he shrugged.

"Favourite subject?"


"Really? I don't like English at all!"

"Yeah-I like how there no right or wrong answers and how I can express myself through it," he explained. "Yours?"

"I don't know. I like really like languages, hard-core the opposite reason to you-"


"Yeah, I'd love to be able to speak many languages fluently," I explained.

"They're the worst," he argued, and I laughed.

"No they're not, ils sont les meiux." He rolled his eyes and I smiled a genuine smile for once.

Nearly an hour later, we decided to leave because he had to go help his mum with something so we walked.out and I watched him walk off before searching for Keira, finding her still hiding around the corner.

"So...how was it?" she smirked at me, and I rolled my eyes at her.

"It was okay. I'm still gonna kill you though."


Just want to say a quick thank you for 200 reads!

I know this isn't the best chapter and could be so much better but I kinda rushed it.

Please don't be a silent reader! Don't forget to vote, comment, share and follow! ∆

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