C h a p t e r S e v e n

19 2 0

T u e s d a y 1 0 t h S e p t e m b e r

Yesterday was hell, and is still on my mind. Why can't I just be completely invisible? Unnoticed. Not unseen by the decent people and apparent to the bullies! Shit like this only happens to me!

This morning I got in and instantly felt more vulnerable than usual. Within seconds, Jadyn jumped out of nowhere with a "heyyyyyyy Lettuce!" And snatched my bag off me.

"Hey! Give it back, bitch!" I tried to break through the impenetrable wall of Jadyn's followers ordered specifically to keep me back.

She sifted through my stuff, tossing aside books, my pencil case where I could feel the leads snapping and my umbrella. Then she picked up my lunch box and water bottle. She opened and searched through my lunch despite my threats, which she knew were hollow, and upon deciding it was trash, (well, healthy) she dropped it. I managed to dive through the wall in front of me just in time to prevent it from hitting the floor, where upon my salad definitely would've gone everywhere. Then she dropped my bottle, knowing I couldn't catch it, and it cracked right down the side, splashing over my head and soaking my hair. Well that was the last straw! I'm pretty fucking pissed now! I've had that bottle for two years! Plus, it's like, a hundred degrees today! "What's your problem with me?" I yelled as I rose to my feet.

She shrugged. "Clean it up." She shoved me, and I slipped on the puddle. Everyone laughed. She leant over me until I could feel her breath on my nose. "I said. Clean. It. Up." I got to my feet again and held back the tears. Then, as payback, I turned on my heel, flicking my dripping hair round quickly so that it came into contact with Jadyn's cheek. And hard, too. I heard squeals as I made my exit. I'm going to have to go to the canteen on the opposite side of the school to get a bottle of water now.

After making a quick stop at the toilets on the way to clean up, I eventually reached the door to the canteen. There's a shortish corridor to the entrance and exit and halfway down was none other than the dickhead himself-Logan Johnson. He was leaning over a girl who was pressed up against the wall, one of her legs raised so that the sole of her shoe was flat against the paint. Her hands were on his chest, then one moved up to his tie as she pulled him in for a kiss. The girl was of course his girlfriend of the week; a slut called Tessa. It made me sick. Quickly I turned away and through the door. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and gave it to the lady at the till, paid my money and walked out.

"What? What do you mean?" I heard a high-irritatingly high-and whiny voice ask, tears evident in the shakiness and hyperventilation.

"Sorry, I just don't like you that much," a male voice replied, no emotions or regret to be sensed.

Logan and Tessa, I thought then, thinking again added: oh shit, I have to pass them to get out of the building.

"What? Why don't you like me? Is there another girl? There's another girl isn't there!"

"Urgh, yes," he replied, sounding fed up, but so would I if I had to listen to her shit with that whiny ass voice.

She gasped, horrified as I tried to sneak around them. "I knew it! Who is she?" He looked around when his eyes landed on me... Oh fuck no. I picked up the pace but it didn't help me out. I was trying to disappear into the floor, be invisible again.

Suddenly I was slammed up against the wall, dropping my water bottle, which thankfully didn't break. Two strong arms had lifted me up so that I faced the person, Logan. I stared him, his dark chocolate eyes looking calming and...apologetic? No...Logan never apologises. Yet it seemed sincere. His mess of dark curls that were swept forward rested on my forehead. "Hey, beautiful," he cooed loud enough for Tessa to hear, before turning the volume down to talk to me. "Play along please," he sounded pleading. I would have. Really. But I've never had a boyfriend-yes, sad, I know. I have no clue how to flirt or act sexy or whatever girls do in this situation.

"I don't know how," I whispered back, apologetically, my hands finding themselves on his shoulders. I was surprised at my own boldness. (Yes you heard me right-I call that boldness.) Then I felt his lips come crashing onto mine-my first kiss-and that was enough for Tessa, who had stood there open-mouthed and fuming, to gasp, spin on her heel and storm out. As soon as she'd gone round the corner, I forcefully broke away from the unwanted kiss. It felt nice; he tasted of a strong mint-overpowering yet...desirable... No! Those are exactly the kind of thoughts I don't need nor want. His blazer smelt of a cinnamon, which swirled around me like a snake, engulfing me. Then he practically dropped me.

"Don't you dare mention this to anyone!" he ordered, firmly before adding: "or else..." Ah, there we go. The original Logan's back. Of course it was too good to last.

"Why would I tell?" I sassed, smirking mischievously. "Surely Tessa's the one you need to threaten, but it's too late since she's already done so. The school will know."

"You seem to underestimate my power around here."

I gasped. "Are you feeling alright! You used a long word!"

"Funny," he snapped. With that, he speed walked off, leaving me alone in the hallway.

Well, I'd better go pick up all my books now.


"Oh my! What happened here?" Miss. Evergreen exclaimed at the sight of the puddle on the floor. No one answered, in fear of Jadyn being told off; that went for myself, too. "Who did this?" she tried again. Still, no response came. So she looked around at up before her eyes settled on me. I felt inclined to help, so I quickly glanced over in Jadyn's direction as subtly as I could, although Jadyn wouldn't have noticed anyway since she was tending to her nails. Miss got the message. "Jadyn." Jadyn looked startled, she obviously thought she was safe. "Roll your skirt down." The relief was written all over her face, enough evidence for Miss to know who was to blame. "What do you know about this?"

She looked flustered. "I, er...oh, I-" then a sinister smirk appeared on her face for a moment before turning to a mask of pure innocence. "Miss, Lettuce made me do it."

"Lettuce made you do it?" Miss interrogated, unbelievingly, while Jadyn nodded, vigorously. There was a pause. "Why were you talking to a vegetable?" Giggles arose around the room. Jadyn went a deep beetroot colour.

"I-I-I wasn't!" she protested.

"But you just said lettuce made you."

"Not that lettuce-that Lettuce!" she insisted.

"Er...last time I checked, her name was Lettice. I thought you, being year eleven, would be able to pronounce a classmate's name correctly." Thank you!

"Er...well...she made me!"

"Do what?"

"Drop her water bottle on the floor." Beetch, you just making it worse for yourself.

"I did not quote-on-quote 'make' her do it. I just severely provoked her with my existence," I shrugged. "Besides, why would I want her to break my water bottle on a day like this?"

"So you can get me in trouble!" she concluded. Least convincing story ever.

"It was a rhetorical question, Jadyn," I finished, oozing with pride.

Long story short, Jadyn got an after school detention for dropping my water bottle ("on purpose or by accident without clearing it up" as Miss put it,) lying about it and then trying (and failing miserably) to pin it on me. And she got another detention for violating dress codes. Again.

Although I felt smug watching Miss punish Jadyn for once, I know I'm going to be made to regret it within twenty-four hours...


Ooh! The drammaaaaa! Thoughts on Logan? Any ships so far?

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