C h a p t e r T h i r t y E i g h t

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L o g a n ' s P . O . V .

She agreed.

She actually agreed.

Ecstatic, I rushed to get ready before happily leaving my dysfunctional household behind me, calling out a quick "going out; back later" into the corridor.

Even though it's pretty much my least favourite thing to do, I chose to suffer the long walk to the park near Lettice's simply so that I could leave earlier. Plus I guess it's a good way to clear my mind, but-god!-getting my driver's licence can't come soon enough.

It's not selfish: leaving the others behind. They could leave if they wanted. Get out of there; away from him.

I shook those thoughts from my mind, desperate to not let them ruin yet another day. Today would be different; I would just enjoy my time alone with such an awesome girl and let my brain tell me everything's perfect. Determined that this new mindset would happen, I tried to not think about anything for the rest of the journey.

Once at the park, ten minutes early, I sat down on the bench and got out my phone, playing a game to pass the time. Since the peace was too good to last, there was a sudden squeal as a pair of arms were flung round my neck from behind. I would like to say these were Lettice's but sadly the annoying, whiny tone of the voice told me otherwise. I untangled myself from them and got to my feet to come face to face with Jadyn with Evelyn just a few steps behind her.

"Logan! What are you doing here?" I tried not to seem as annoyed by her child-like voice as I really was.

"Meeting up with someone," I replied flatly. I felt repulsed by her look; a strapless top that sunk a little too low for my liking and some fluorescent pink yoga pants, accessorised with a thick sheepskin coat and converse, which on it's own wouldn't have been the worst but, seriously, that face of makeup had to go. Evelyn's was not much better.

"Who?" she questioned, but before I could reply she continued with her whiny pitch. "Good thing it's not that slut Lettuce, huh? Well for now you can hang with us."

My blood boiled inside my veins. Lettice is the slut here? Really? Have you ever even looked in a mirror? I thought, wanting to stick up for her and put this brat back in her place but really wasn't in the mood for arguing.

Her claws snaked around my wrist and before I knew it I was at the edge of the kids' playground section of the park half in the trees. Not sketchy at all to passers-by.

In annoyance, I folded my arms across my chest, secretly praying for Lettice to come soon so that she could drag me out of this. The sooner the better.

"So, Logan, what's happened since the last time we met up?" Eve asked, smirking at the bitter-sweet memories.

"Not much," I shrugged, eyeing the small white packages Jadyn was fishing out of her pockets. "What's that?"

"Oh, you know, the usual," she replied with a mischievous grin. I just stared at her with my eyes squinting accusingly.

"What is 'the usual'?"

"Oh, you know, a bit of this, a bit of that, everything that boring people warn you about because it's 'dangerous' when in reality they just give you the best times of your life," she waved her hand in the air dismissively. So this is why she acts so high at school, I thought feeling sick to my stomach as she pushed one into my hand. "We have spares."

My hand closed around it, though there was no way I was going to use it.

I know what drugs do to a person.

"Thanks," I snarled, not caring enough to fake gratefulness.

Either she was too stupid to sense the harsh underlaying tone in my words or she decided to ignore it, because she responded with a cheery "you're welcome." My money's on the first.

Then she reached for her other pocket, and pulled something out. As I realised she was grabbing a lighter, and was genuinely serious about doing this, I nervously glanced round to see whether anyone else was around, only to see Lettice. I blocked out any sounds Jadyn or Eve were making and time seemed to slow.

Our eyes met. Hers were filled with tears. Why do I always have to screw everything up?

I couldn't bear watching her like this, but I couldn't move. We just stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity.

Eventually, she moved, turning away from me and the thought of her turning away and leaving me finally pulled me out of my trance.

"Lettice?" I called out, stumbling blindly (since I wouldn't lower my eyes from her) over to the gate, but she didn't seem to hear me. "Lettice!" I hollered at the top of my lungs, beginning to sprint towards her.

As I ran, she walked faster, increasing the gap between us and making me more desperate than ever to run my best despite the aching in my legs and my heart screaming out in pain. It was at this moment that I realised: she is fast.

I sprung forward, as if in slow motion, my arm outstretched, landing softly on hers when in a flash, she whipped round to face me. Her usually clean face was streaked with tears, and it pained me to accept that this was because of me... Again.

"Lettice, please, can you just listen-" I began, desperate to find the right words to explain myself.

"Leave me alone!" she screamed at me, pulling away. I just stared at her, mouth open like a complete lemon, wondering what to say. I mean, what's more believable? Your worst enemies just happened to turn up to do drugs and pulled me into it or believe me, I'll stick up for you-no, I didn't mean to talk to your bullies!

"But-" I began, but she had more to say.

"I said: leave me alone! Whenever I think I can trust you, believe you actually want to be friendly something like this always happens! Well that's it! I'm done! Don't talk to me, don't text me, don't phone me, don't do anything! Oh, just get away from me!" In a sudden burst of movement, she wrenched her arm from mine, making my heart break as I watched her leave the area, and possibly my life for good.

However, instead of giving chase, I stayed put, just watching her go. I think the thing was I realised: she was right. She was right about everything.

I don't see how she could trust me anymore; even if it wasn't my fault, I don't expect her to listen: I screwed up. I should've just left them, told them some lie to let me escape but I was too foolish to think that if Lettice came everything would be fine. Of course it wouldn't have been. Not after what happened last time. I don't deserve her. I hurt her once and here I am doing the same thing again.

Why don't I ever learn?

And now the best part of my life is gone for what is quite possibly good.


Only about seven chapters remaining! Then will move onto other books; was planning a sequel but think I will just use the better ideas and combine them with another, though I'll have to see as had a really good plot twist planned.

As usual please remember to vote, comment et cetera and I'll see you later! <3

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