C h a p t e r F o r t y T h r e e

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W e d n e s d a y 2 0 t h A u g u s t

I walked through the door after Logan.

"So... You and Evelyn, huh?" I began, nervously. If he was shocked, he played it off as curiosity.

"What about us?"

"You were...together once? Not that it's surprising-or that I'm annoyed by it, you're allowed to do what you want I'm not trying to control you or anything but..." I trailed off, aware of the violent blush seizing my cheeks. Oh why did I start this conversation? "Actually, forget it." I looked away, sheepishly.

"How'd you find out?" He looked panic-stricken, confused and-is that fear I detect?

"She was bragging about it," I muttered, just loud enough for him to hear.

He let out a long breath. "God, she's such a bitch," he sighed, barely audible before looking at me and saying clearly: "okay, guess I'll explain.

"She's an old family friend. Believe it or not she was actually alright in the younger years of Primary. Still quite slutty, nevertheless; short skirt, makeup from a ridiculous age, you get the point. Then we went to different Secondaries and stopped seeing each other as much. Then a few years ago-" he waved his hand in the air dismissively "-I went to this party to take my thoughts off of... Things. I think it was Jadyn's birthday or something. Anyway, I got drunk-really drunk-and Eve and I made out. After that we stayed together for a bit, mainly because our friends would tease us about it, but I think she also liked it too, so. But it was a long time ago and she's just gotten worse," he quickly added.

"Oh," I said, stupidly. I just didn't know what else to say. Oh, cool. If it's not happening anymore that's fine. At least you realised what a shitty person she is now. "Ok... Good to know?"

He gave a forced smile, but luckily his mother interrupted before I could begin another awkward conversation. "Guys, dinner!"

Logan got to his feet, pushing up off of his bed and holding his hand out for me to take. "Well, shall we?"

I giggled in response, "of course," and took his hand.

Once downstairs, he dragged me back along the corridor and into the kitchen/dining room, where all his family except his father had assembled. Who I assumed to be his sister smiled at me, so I smiled back. Then she looked down at out entwined hands and smirked.

"So I take it you two are dating?"

My face felt hot and I quickly yanked my hand from his as he moved forward out of the doorway. "Lettice, this is my annoying little sister, Ruby."

"Logan," his mother chided, dressed with an apron over the top of her black skirt and blouse that she must've worn to work, and serving up something from the pan.

"What? She is!" he retorted, taking a seat, and motioning for me to take the one next to him. "And this is my even more annoying, even more little brother Harry."

I smiled at the young brunette across from me who looked up from his books and grinned. "Logan says you're really smart," he began and I blushed, grateful for the complement. "So...can you do my homework for me?" I heard Logan face palm from beside me.

"Harry," their mother scolded. "You know fore well that you do it yourself." I watched as he rolled his eyes whilst still grinning, then returned his gaze to his work.

Suddenly the door slammed against the wall, making us all look over, concerned. "Sarah!" a male voice boomed as a grotty man-around the age of forty-five, I'd guess-entered the room with an empty beer bottle loosely grasped by his thick fingers. "I've been calling for another drink for almost a minute! Where is it?"

"There's one in the fridge," she said, slightly annoyed.

"And, what? It's just supposed to float from the ice box into my hand?"

She sighed, got up and produced the bottle from the refrigerator. "Here." I stared open-mouthed as he snatched it from her and then realised the top was still on.

"The top's still on."

"The opener's next to you."

He growled but gave in and finally did something himself. "What's wrong with you today?" he demanded, taking a long chug of the bubbly liquid.

"Well, on the unlikely case you've forgotten, it's our son's birthday-"

"Ooh it is? And you think that's a valid reason to serve him hand and foot?" he questioned, his voice visibly getting louder. I couldn't believe it! She was so nice yet stuck with this arsehole! And the reason for serving you is? I thought.

"Well, I figured he deserved it-" she began, but he cut her off.

"He deserved it?" he half-yelled, trying to point his finger at his eldest son. "He's a piece of shit, fucks up everything and doesn't care about anyone but himself." I felt Logan tense next to me, and looked over to see him facing his plate, fists clenched. That was the last straw. I got to my feet. And in that moment... I snapped.

"You're wrong: Logan's one of the kindest guys I know-" I hadn't been sure of it until I heard the words coming out of my mouth. From beside me Logan grabbed my arm gently and shook his head to try to get me to stop, but I was in full swing. "He only ever thinks of others and always works hard at anything and everything he puts his mind to."

His head whipped round to me, scrutinising me with such intensity I can only assume he was trying to make out what I looked like through his alcohol-induced fuzzy eyesight. "And you are?"

"This is Lettice," Logan said, reluctantly. "My friend."

"Well, Lettuce," he began, making me angry with rage that he'd called me that name. "This is my house, so you should respect that I'm letting you in."

"You didn't. Your wonderful son did."

"I didn't finish," he slurred, coming over to me until his face was inches away from mine. "But if you're hanging around my son, then perhaps it's you who's the bad influence-"

"Lettice is the best influence there is," Logan countered, stepping up to get in his dad's face.

"Well then, maybe she is, but that just means she's a slut, since the only reason she would want to be around you is because she wants to get your pants off."

I blushed violently but before I could calculate a suitable argument that wasn't just me screaming 'lies' Sarah stepped between the two sides, causing us all to step down.

"That is enough, take your beer and get out of here," She glowered at her husband.

Then, much to my shock, he lashed out and landed a hard blow to her jaw, sending her staggering back. I stood rooted to the spot, frozen in pure horror.

But when I looked round at everyone else, who averted eye contact with anyone, it became transparent that they were used to it.


Nearly there! One chapter left!

We're nearing the end people!

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